Learning from heritage, lived experience, and community innovation
Academic staff

Professor David Amigoni
Director of the Keele Institute for Social Inclusion, Professor of Victorian Literature
- CBB1.039
- 01782 733209
- d.amigoni@keele.ac.uk

Dr Ben Anderson
Senior Lecturer in Environmental History
- CBB1.063
- 01782 73 3611
- b.anderson@keele.ac.uk
Dr Nick Bentley
Senior Lecturer in English Literature
- CBB2.050
- 01782 733304
- n.bentley@keele.ac.uk

Dr Rachel Bright
Senior Lecturer in Modern History
- CBB0.060
- 01782 733466
- r.k.bright@keele.ac.uk

Professor Deirdre McKay
Professor of Sustainable Development
Expert in Plastic pollution, climate policy, climate change, developing countries/low- and middle-income countries.
- William Smith: WS1.28
- +44 (0) 1782 733601
- d.c.mckay@keele.ac.uk

Dr Fiorella Montero-Diaz
Senior Lecturer in Ethnomusicology, Deputy Director of the David Bruce Centre for the Study of the Americas
- Room F2, The Clockhouse
- +44 (0)1782 734595
- r.montero.diaz@keele.ac.uk

Professor Clare Holdsworth
Head of School
- William Smith: WS1.03
- +44 (0) 1782 733167
- c.m.holdsworth@keele.ac.uk
Professor Ceri Morgan
Professor of Place-writing and Geohumanities
- CBB0.055
- 01782 734076
- c.m.morgan@keele.ac.uk

Dr James Peacock
Reader in American Literature
Director of the David Bruce Centre for the Study of the Americas
- CBB0.057
- +44 (0) 1782 733140
- j.h.peacock@keele.ac.uk

Dr Katie Wright-Bevans
Lecturer in Psychology
Expert in Health promotion, inclusion, justice and equality, community-based and participant-led health promotion, understanding processes of social change and the health promotion of vulnerable or marginalised groups, loneliness, social isolation.
- Dorothy Hodgkin Building 1.81
- +44 (0) 1782 732947
- k.wright.bevans@keele.ac.uk

Professor Alannah Tomkins
Professor of Early Modern History
- CBB1.055
- 01782 733465
- a.e.tomkins@keele.ac.uk