

My first degree was in Sociology and Psychology and my PhD in the Sociology of Education.  I worked as a research fellow on the ESRC funded 'Changing Teaching and Managerial Cultures in Further Education' project before taking up a lectureship in education at Keele in 1999.  I was promoted to senior lecturer in 2004 and to professor in 2013.

My past work includes teaching sociology at A level – I taught for six years at Newcastle-under-Lyme college of FE.  I have also worked in the voluntary sector for Victim Support in London.


School of Social Sciences
Chancellor's Building CBA1.017
Keele University
Staffordshire, ST5 5BG
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734346

Undergraduate and postgraduate enquiries
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734346
Email: socialsciences.office@keele.ac.uk

Athena Swan award