What is the New Keele Deal?

Businesses across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent will be able to access cutting-edge facilities and research to grow and become more resilient to ups and downs in the business environment, thanks to a major new growth deal.

Dr Mark Bacon, Keele University’s Director of Research, Innovation and Engagement, says that local businesses will benefit from a new £70m deal that will help them to take advantage of new cutting-edge research and innovation.

“Local councils, the local enterprise partnership and Keele University have a long-standing history of working together to create the foundations for businesses to grow.

“These multi-million pound investments in business loans, business accommodation and infrastructure, superfast broadband and tourism have significantly grown the local economy and supported thousands of businesses to start-up and thrive. But we need to do more to help businesses to continue to grow and become as resilient as possible in the face of any ups and downs we may face in the future.

“The New Keele Deal is a commitment that will do just that.  By investing £70m, the University, Staffordshire County Council, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP and University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust are committed to supporting businesses to utilise new knowledge and ideas in order to create competitive advantage by improving their products, services and business processes.

“It’s about investing in Keele University’s expertise and reputation as a university that produces world-leading research which impacts on a global scale to support local business to grow and compete and create jobs.

“Put simply, the Deal will support thousands of business to create new jobs, save thousands of tonnes of carbon and inject millions into the local supply chain.

"This isn’t just a deal for Keele and Newcastle-under-Lyme – this is a deal that invests money that will stay local and benefit everyone in Staffordshire.”

What does this mean for business?

For details about what the New Keele Deal means for business, please click here to find out more about its priorities.

Want to know more about the opportunities available to your business? Contact Keele University’s Keele Gateway on 01782 733001 or email gateway@keele.ac.uk.