Our staff

Our staff are able to draw on their academic backgrounds, subject specialisms, research and experiences to ensure you receive support throughout your studies. 

Professor Mark Featherstone

Title: Head of School
Phone: +44(0)1782 734179
Email: m.a.featherstone@keele.ac.uk
Location: CBC0.028

Academic staff

Dr Philip Catney

Dr Philip Catney
Senior Lecturer in Politics

Expert in UK Politics, elections, Parliamentary standards, Parliamentary procedure.

Dr Leah Koumentaki

Dr Leah Koumentaki

Dr Jon Parker

Dr Jon Parker
Senior Lecturer in Politics

Expert in US Politics, the US justice system, US domestic policy, the Presidency, American elections.

Mr Naveed S Sheikh

Mr Naveed S Sheikh
Lecturer in International Relations

Expert in International Relations, politics of the Middle East, political violence, terrorism, history of the Middle East, the Cold War.

Dr Heidi Wang-Kaeding

Dr Heidi Wang-Kaeding
Lecturer in International Relations

Expert in How the rise of China is shaping the region/wider world; global environmental governance; economic statecraft in East Asia; and the role of emotions in international politics.

Dr Helen Wells

Dr Helen Wells
Senior Lecturer in Criminology

Expert in Mobile phone use while driving, roads policing.

Professional services staff

David Craddock

David Craddock
Faculty Operations Manager, Research (School of Law & School of Social Sciences)

Caroline Eardley

Caroline Eardley
School Administrator

Debby Heavy

Debby Heavy
Schools Administrator

Hannah Hudson

Hannah Hudson
School Co-ordinator

Devina Newsome

Devina Newsome
Schools Administrator

Daniel Walker

Daniel Walker
School Operations Officer

School of Social Sciences
Chancellor's Building CBA1.017
Keele University
Staffordshire, ST5 5BG
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734346

Undergraduate and postgraduate enquiries
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734346
Email: socialsciences.office@keele.ac.uk

Athena Swan award