

Before joining Keele in September 2022, Aizuddin completed his DPhil in Education as a Clarendon Scholar and Doctoral Teaching Fellow at the University of Oxford. He also holds an MSc in Education (Comparative and International Education) from Oxford and an MA in Cognitive Studies in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Aizuddin previously received undergraduate training in engineering (UNSW Sydney) and worked in the corporate philanthropy sector in Malaysia, focusing on education projects. He researches and teaches in the field of comparative and international education.

Aizuddin is currently the co-lead of the Ethnography stream for Methods North West (regional methods hub for Universities of Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Keele and Central Lancashire), as well as the Book Review Editor for Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.

School of Social Sciences
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Keele University
Staffordshire, ST5 5BG
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734346

Undergraduate and postgraduate enquiries
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Athena Swan award