Professor Mark Featherstone
- Title
- Professor of Social and Political Theory
- Location
- CBC0.028
- Role
- Head of School Research Cluster Lead (Communities, Identities and Mobilities)
- Contact me
- During Office Hours posted on my door, or by appointment via email.
- Phone
- +44 (0) 1782 734179
- m.a.featherstone@keele.ac.uk
I grew up in Hull in the 1970s. I became a sociologist largely because I wanted to understand the social changes I saw taking place around me and in particular the decline of key industries, the emergence of mass unemployment, and community breakdown. These social effects impacted upon my own family and the families of everybody I knew and have deeply influenced the way I understand society and think about sociology.
Research and scholarship
Research and scholarship
My research specialisms are social theory, critical theory, and psychoanalysis. I am a sociologist of utopias, dystopias, idealised social systems, and the sociological imagination. I recently published a research monograph on the sociological history of the concepts of utopia and dystopia, entitled Tocqueville’s Virus (Routledge), and am currently working on another study on the relationship between utopia and globalisation called Planet Utopia. This book will also be published on Routledge. Apart from my monograph work, I regularly publish articles in journals such as Journal of Cultural Research, Cultural Politics, Journal of Classical Sociology, theory, and Fast Capitalism. Beyond my own research I am Reviews Editor of the Sociological Review and Cultural Politics. I am also associate member of the Bauman Institute at Leeds University, UK.
I teach across the sociology programme and offer elective modules on race and class, globalisation, and utopias and dystopias. I also teach on the Media, Culture, Communication programme at Keele, where I run the core module on cultural analysis. I am also Programme Leader of the Masters programme in Urban Futures and Sustainable Communities.
Apart from teaching on the Sociology programme, I also contribute to the Media and Cultural Studies degree at Keele. My main contribution to this course is a module called Analysing Culture which considers the history of the idea of culture in social thought. Beyond my teaching at Keele, I am also Visiting Associate Professor at Ferris University, Yokohama, where I offer courses in British Sociology, Social and Political Thought, and Globalisation to both undergraduate and graduate students.
- SOC 20049 Contemporary Social Theory
- SOC 30034 Sex, Death, Desire: Psychoanalysis in Social Context - Module Leader
- MDS 20019 Analysing Culture
Journal Articles
- Featherstone, Mark. 15-08-2024. 'Imagining the negentropic university: The madness of computation, the possibility of the uncomputable, and thinking otherwise'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 06-03-2024. 'The tragedy of utopia in the age of the Anthropocene: Beyond dystopia, despair and catastrophic futures'. European Journal of Social Theory. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-01-2023. 'Beyond the disenchanted university: A pharmacology of the British university in the age of Coronavirus'. REVIEW OF EDUCATION PEDAGOGY AND CULTURAL STUDIES. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 31-08-2022. '‘Circulus Vitiosus Deus’: The Death Drive Now and Then'. Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology. view in repository >
- Featherstone. 18-03-2022. 'Viral Law: Life, Death, Difference, and Indifference from the Spanish Flu to Covid-19'. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-03-2021. 'Žižek's Pandemic: On Utopian Realism and the Spirit of Communism'. Cultural Politics. DOI > view in repository >
- Armitage, John; Featherstone, Mark. 01-03-2021. 'Viral Culture'. Cultural Politics. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-02-2021. 'The Technical Delusion: Electronics, Power, Insanity'. EMOTION SPACE AND SOCIETY. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 01-02-2021. 'Primal Crime: Visions of the Law and Its Transgression in Nicolas Winding Refn’s Cinema'. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 01-06-2020. 'Towards a Bureaucracy of the Body'. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 12-05-2020. 'Apocalypse Now!: From Freud, Through Lacan, to Stiegler’s Psychoanalytic ‘Survival Project'. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 09-05-2020. 'Psychoanalysing the 21st Century: Introduction'. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. DOI > view in repository >
- featherstone. 01-05-2020. 'Simmel’s (non-human) humanism: On Simmel’s ‘ethics of endings and futures’'. Journal of Classical Sociology. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 15-09-2019. 'Stiegler’s ecological thought: The politics of knowledge in the anthropocene'. Educational Philosophy and Theory. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 28-02-2019. 'Against the Humiliation of Thought: The university as a space of dystopic destruction and utopian potential'. Educational Philosophy and Theory. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 06-12-2018. 'From the postmodern to the ecological'. EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 19-10-2018. 'Simmel's Borderline Sociology'. Theory, Culture and Society. view in repository >
- Armitage, John; Bishop, Ryan; Featherstone, Mark; Kellner, Douglas. 01-11-2017. 'Cultural Politics Now'. Cultural Politics. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-11-2017. 'After Bauman'. Cultural Politics. DOI > view in repository >
- featherstone. 30-08-2017. 'The Letting Go: The Horror of Being Orphaned in Nicolas Winding Refn's Cinema'. Journal of Cultural Research. DOI > view in repository >
- featherstone. 23-03-2017. '‘Brexit means Brexit’: On the Horror of the Other in (Neo)Liberal Britain'. CTheory. view in repository >
- Featherstone. 24-01-2017. 'Chaosmic Spasm'. CM: Communication and Media. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-01-2017. 'Stiegler's university'. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 16-12-2016. 'Trump, A Psy Fi Story: On American Germanicity'. CTheory. view in repository >
- Featherstone. 10-07-2016. 'The Specter of Neoliberalism: Thanatonomics and the Possibility of Trans-Individualism'. Fast Capitalism. view in repository >
- Featherstone. 31-03-2016. 'Luxus: A Thanatology of Luxury from Nero to Bataille'. Cultural Politics. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 01-01-2016. 'The Politics of the Academic Agora'. Sociologicky Casopis - Czech Sociological Review. view in repository >
- Featherstone. 01-01-2016. 'The Specter of Neoliberalism: Thanatonomics and the Possibility of Trans-Individualism'. Fast Capitalism. view in repository >
- Featherstone. 28-11-2015. 'The Negative Abyss Surface, Depth, and Violence in Virilio and Stiegler'. Cultural Politics. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark; Miles, Malcolm. 01-07-2014. 'Utopias: An Introduction'. Cultural Politics. view in repository >
- Featherstone. 01-07-2014. 'Chinese Bulimia: Utopia, Dystopia, and The Fat Years'. Cultural Politics. view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 23-03-2014. 'La pesadilla de Einstein Sobre: la tecno-distopía en Bernard Stiegler'. CTheory. view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-07-2013. '“Hoodie Horror”: The Capitalist Other in Postmodern Society'. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-04-2013. 'Coito ergo sum: Serbian sadism and global capitalism in A Serbian Film'. Horror Studies. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-04-2013. 'Being-in-Hull, Being-on-Bransholme: Socio-economic decline, regeneration and working-class experience on a peri-urban council estate'. City. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 11-03-2013. 'Einstein's Nightmare: On Bernard Stiegler's Techno-Dystopia'. CTheory. view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-03-2013. '“Even the Rats Don't Come Here”'. Cultural Politics. DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. . 'The Specter of Neoliberalism: Thanatonomics and the Possibility of Trans-Individualism'. Fast Capitalism. view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark; Poole, Elizabeth; Holohan, Siobhan. 01-09-2010. 'Discourses of the War on Terror: Constructions of the Islamic Other in the wake of 7/7'. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. DOI > view in repository >
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- Featherstone, Mark. 08-05-2019. 'The Sociology of Debt (Ed. M Featherstone)'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 01-06-2017. 'Planet Utopia'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark; Kemple, Thomas. . 'Writing the Body Politic: A John O’Neill Reader'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 17-03-2017. 'Planet Utopia: Utopia, Dystopia, Globalisation'. . DOI > view in repository >
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Book Chapters
- Featherstone, Mark. 07-06-2024. 'Utopia and Time: Conservative and Radical Utopias in the Age of the Anthropocene'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 21-05-2020. 'Against the humiliation of thought: The university as a space of dystopic destruction and utopian potential'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 08-01-2020. 'The libertine'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 04-06-2019. 'Prometheus and the Degenerate: Arno Breker, Hans Bellmer, and Francis Bacon's Extreme Realism'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 08-05-2019. 'Ecologies of Indebtedness'. . view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. 26-04-2019. '‘Wanna fight?’: utopia-dystopia in Nicolas Winding Refn’s recent cinema'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. . 'The architecture of authoritarian luxury'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone, Mark. . 'French Thought and Literary Theory in the UK'. . DOI > view in repository >
- Featherstone. 08-05-2019. 'Introduction: Towards a Sociology of Debt'. . view in repository >
- featherstone. 10-05-2016. 'Carnotopia: The Culture of Sadism in Nymphomaniac, Shame, and Thanatomorphose'. . view in repository >
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PhD students
PhD students
I am happy to supervise PhD students in the areas of:
- Social Theory
- Critical Theory
- Psycho-Social Studies
- Globalisation
- Utopias and Dystopias
- The history of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
Chancellor's Building CBA1.017
Keele University
Staffordshire, ST5 5BG
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734346
Undergraduate and postgraduate enquiries
Tel: +44 (0) 1782 734346
Email: socialsciences.office@keele.ac.uk