Research and scholarship

Research and scholarship

Chris Bailey was a Professor of American Politics in the School of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy (SPIRE). He was educated at Exeter College, Oxford, where he obtained a B.A. in P.P.E. in 1982 and a D. Phil in American Politics in 1986. He was selected by the American Political Science Association to be a Congressional Fellow for 1989-90 and has served as Chair of the American Politics Group of the Political Studies Association.

He has published widely on American politics and is a co-editor of the Developments in American Politics series. His current research focuses on social regulation in the United States. This research has two interconnecting elements. The first is a study of the politics of smoking. He is currently writing a book on smoking politics and policy in the United States. The second is a study of morality politics. He has written several essays on values and identity.

Future plans include a study of “Lifestyle Politics” in the United States. This will examine government efforts to regulate lifestyle choices involving sex and health.

Professor Bailey retired in September 2018.

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Athena Swan award