Legal statements

The Keele STarT MSK Tool©2017 is freely available to public bodies (e.g. practitioners within the NHS, UK MoD) and non-commercial research groups. License agreements for commercial users can be purchased. Please note, obtaining the licence (including the free licence) is obligatory for all users. Please visit our Keele Licencing website for details.


The copyright (©2017) of the Keele STarT MSK Tool (Self-Report and Clinical versions) and associated materials is owned by Keele University, the development of which was funded by a grant from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR; RP-PG-1211-20010), Arthritis Research UK (13413) and an NIHR research professorship (NIHR-RP-011-015).

i) the tool is designed for use by healthcare practitioners, with appropriate treatment packages for each of the stratified groups; ii) the tool is not intended to recommend the use of any particular product. This is a licensed tool (©2017 Keele University) that may not be modified or copied.

ii) The clinical and cost-effectiveness of using the tool to match patients to treatment is the focus of a full randomised controlled trial, as such Keele University reserve the right to withdraw, amend and update the tool in future.