Student academic conduct

When you enrol you agree to abide by the University’s regulations. This includes Regulation D.4 Student Academic Misconduct and the accompanying Student Academic Misconduct Code of Practice. Academic misconduct is doing something that could give you an unfair advantage in an assessment.  It includes, but is not limited to, the following: plagiarism; collusion; contract cheating; cheating in an examination; falsification of data or sources; falsification of official documents or signatures.

The University treats academic misconduct very seriously and penalties will be given for proven cases, including termination of studies with a bar on any future enrolment with the University. It is therefore very important that you understand how to prepare and take assessments honestly. In order to assist you with this there are various resources and help available both as part of your programme of study (see School handbooks) and also centrally (see below for information).

Good Academic Practice – available help, online resources and guidance

Academic misconduct