Thinking of leaving Keele?
If you're thinking of leaving your course, our Student Services team can support you with this. However, first, it can be useful to consider what is really making you think about leaving your course and Keele. Some common reasons include:
- feeling unhappy with your choice of course e.g. it's too easy/difficult, or disliking the subject
- feeling unhappy with your choice of university e.g. it's not what you expected, it's too large/small
- finance e.g. struggling with fees, course materials or living costs
- personal e.g. feeling homesick, struggling to balance other priorities and commitments
- changing your future career plans e.g. is your subject/course still relevant?
- health reasons e.g. is illness or a disability making it difficult to cope?
Ask yourself:
- What were my expectations of my programme?
- Why and how haven’t these expectations been met?
- What would I like to be different about my current situation?
- What do I think are my options?
If you do decide that you want to leave, it is important that you complete the withdrawal process fully, as you remain liable for tuition fees until your withdrawal is completed.
If you have already left Keele without completing the withdrawal process, please contact Student Services. We will ask you to complete the online form, then inform everyone else who needs to know.