General student information
Here you can find information about your student records, including how to get confirmation letters and change your details.
All students who will be continuing their studies into the next academic year must re-register with the University. Students will receive an email to their Keele email address asking them to re-register and instructions of how to do this.
Students may be asked to re-register at different points over the summer, however if you have not received an email by the middle of September please contact the Student Services Hub on 01782 734481 or
It is very important that you re-register promptly upon receipt of your email. If you do not, then you may lose access to certain University facilities, such as computing and email, and if you are entitled to a student loan, this will not be paid into your bank account. Ultimately, if you fail to re-register, as detailed in Regulation 8, the university will terminate your studies.
Please note that if you owe fees to the University, you may not be able to re-register until this debt has been repaid or an agreement has been made for repayment of these fees. If you have any queries, please contact
Student Loan Company
Once you have enrolled/re-registered with the University your student loan will be released into your account within 3-5 working days from the start date of your course.
To receive your loan you must make sure that you have signed and returned your declaration noting that his can take up to 5 working days be processed by the Student Loan Company.
If Keele University was not your first choice of institution
Your student loan may be delayed if your payment schedule does not state Keele University. Please contact the Student Loan Company to change and update these details. Once you have received your new payment schedule stating Keele University you will then receive your loan, again within 3-5 working days.
If you are still having difficulties
Please complete the I Have Not Received My Loan form on the Student Records self service page, providing your student support number and any other relevant information.
Personal details
Please keep us informed of any changes to your personal details.
You are required to provide evidence in order to make changes to personal details such as your name (passport/marriage certificate/deed poll), marital status (marriage certificate) and gender (deed poll). Please click here to complete the Personal Details Change Request Form
You can now change your addresses and next of kin details by logging onto eVision. Please follow the instructions carefully to complete the form on-line.
Confirming student status
We now provide the facility to print your own Student Status Letter from eVision. This facility also enables you to save a copy of the letter which will allow you to forward it on to third parties if required. You can do this by logging into eVision clicking on the 'Common Actions' button on the home page and then select the 'My Status Letter' button.
Council tax exemption
Full-time students living on campus do not have to pay Council Tax. However, if you are living in accommodation off campus, your local council may have already asked you to provide proof that you are a full-time student, before confirming that you are exempt from paying Council Tax.
September Starters & Returning Students:
A list of names of all full-time students, is sent to Newcastle Borough Council, Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Cheshire East County Council, during the third week of term, (you must have enrolled/re-registered, or your name will not be included on the list). This list will confirm to them that you are a full-time student at Keele University, they should not require any further proof of your status as a full-time student.
Non September Starters or Not living in the local areas:
If you started your course after mid October or you do not live within either Newcastle Borough Council, Stoke-on-Trent City Council or Cheshire East County Council, you can obtain a status letter from eVision - the button is located at the bottom of the screen.
If you are not a full-time student, then Advice and Support at Keele (ASK) can give you further information about this if required.
Once your award has been conferred by the University Senate, you should receive your certificate within 6 weeks of this date.
If you lose your certificate you can obtain a replacement by completing a duplicate certificate request form.
On receipt of your request the Student Records team will respond detailing any further information we require and if you will need to make any payment.
Please note that only one Certificate can be in print at any time and we are unable to provide electronic copies of Certificates.
Confirmation of degree/award letters
After you have completed your course, and an award has officially been made by the University Senate, the Student Records and Examinations Team can provide you with a letter confirming your award, subject to you not being in debt to the University. Alternatively, if you are in receipt of your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report provided to undergraduate students from 2014 onwards) you can share your HEAR electronically with third parties as official confirmation of your award. Please see our HEAR Frequently Asked Questions page and look under ‘Accessing your HEAR’ for more information on how to share your HEAR.
Please note if you have already received your certificate there is a standard charge of £10 for this letter. Please complete the confirmation of studies/award letter form.
If a confirmation of award letter can be provided the Student Records and Examinations team will respond with information on how to make payment, if payment is required.
Certified true copy of certificate
There is a standard charge of £10 to certify a true copy of a certificate. The document will be verified, signed by the Head of Student Records and Examinations and officially stamped as a ‘True Copy’.
Alternatively, if you are in receipt of your HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report) you can share your HEAR electronically with third parties as official confirmation of your award. Please see our HEAR webpages for more details
Please email a copy of your original certificate with your request for a certified copy to and provide the following information:
- Attach a copy of your original certificate
- Keele student number (if known)
- Date of birth
- Home address at time of study
- Address you would like the Certified Copy posting to
On receipt of your request the Student Records and Examinations team will respond with information on how to make payment.
Undergraduate students
If you are an undergraduate degree student graduating from 2014 onwards, apart from those students studying Medicine, you will be issued with a Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR), which replaces and enhances the previous paper-based transcript. Full information about the HEAR can be found by visiting the HEAR webpages.
If, before receiving your email to register with Gradintel, you require a formal document listing your module results achieved to date, you may request a paper-based Interim Transcript. Please see below for details.
Postgraduate, Medicine and Undergraduate students who left the University prior to 2014
You will continue to receive a paper-based Final Transcript with your degree certificate, free of charge, after the award has been agreed by the University's Senate.
A further copy of the Final Transcript can be supplied at a cost of £20. Please complete the transcript request form.
Postgraduate students who left the University prior to 2005
Unfortunately Student Records and Examinations do not hold postgraduate module results from your time of study. These were held locally at the School, therefore please contact the Course Administrator at the relevant School who should be able to assist you. A list of Schools and contact details can be found at the following link:
Erasmus, Exchange or Study Abroad students
If you attended Keele as an Erasmus, Exchange or Study Abroad student, and require further copies of your transcript, you should contact Global Education on for further information.
WES (World Education Services) package
Important note: do not make payment for a WES package if you are in receipt of your HEAR, please share your HEAR directly with WES.
WES are currently accepting emailed transcripts direct from institutions. Please note there is a standard charge of £20 for this service.
Please email Student Records and Examinations with your request for WES Required Documents: and provide the following information:
- WES reference number
- Keele student number (if known)
- Full Name at time of studies
- Date of Birth
- Home address at time of study
- When you completed your studies
On receipt of your request the Student Records and Examinations team will respond with information on how to make payment.
DOATAP package
There is a standard charge of £40 for this service (includes postage via DHL Courier). This package includes:
- An Official Academic Transcript (N.B If you are in receipt of your HEAR a transcript will NOT be produced instead please share your HEAR electronically with DOATAP.)
- A Confirmation of Award/Studies Letter detailing “His/Her studies from… …… took place and were completed in UK, England, Newcastle Under Lyme, Keele Campus of Keele University and at no other campus”
- Documents will be posted in a signed/stamped sealed envelope
- Will be sent via DHL Courier
Please email Student Records and Examinations with your request and provide the following information:
- Keele student number (if known)
- Full Name (at the time of your studies)
- Date of Birth
- Course studied
- Home address (at time of study)
- The address you require the documents posting to
On receipt of your request the Student Records and Examinations team will respond with information on how to make payment.
Important note: please ensure the student records and exams office is aware of the document you wish to be sent via courier before making a payment.
If you have requested documents from the Student Records and Examinations team and have paid for the item already, you may wish to track your documents to ensure a secure and fast delivery. If they have not already been sent, you can request we send them via DHL courier; the fee for this service varies depending on the destination:
DHL Courier (UK/Europe/EU) = £20
DHL Courier (USA/Canada/Mexico) = £25
DHL Courier (Rest of World) = £35
If you have any queries please contact the Student Records and Examinations team:
If you are an undergraduate degree student graduating from 2014 onwards, apart from those students studying Medicine, you will be issued with a Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR), which replaces and enhances the previous paper-based transcript.
Full information about the HEAR can be found by visiting the HEAR webpages