Module catalogue 2022-23
Students due to Study Abroad in 2022/23, and incoming Exchange, Erasmus and Study Abroad students should contact the relevant School for further information about particular modules.
Free-Standing Electives - Under section 'F' below you will find a list of Free-Standing Electives. These modules are offered by various Schools but are not necessarily related to any specific degree course. They include Modern Language modules and some 'skills-rich' modules.
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- Accounting (Level 5 and Level 6 only)
- Accounting and Business Management (single honours)
- Accounting and Finance
- Accounting and Marketing (single honours) (Level 6 only)
- Accounting, Finance and International Business (single honours) (Level 6 only)
- Applied Biomedical Science
- Astrophysics
- Biochemistry
- Bioengineering (Regenerative Medicine) (Level 4 only)
- Biology
- Biomedical Science (single honours)
- Business (Level 4 and Level 5only)
- Business and Human Resource Management (single honours)
- Business Management
- Business Management & Economics (single honours) (Level 6 only)
- Business Management & Finance (single honours)
- Cell and Tissue Engineering (single honours) (Level 5 only)
- Chemistry
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (single honours)
- Chinese
- Computer Science
- Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Computer Science (Cyber Security) (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Computer Science (Games) (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Computer Science (Software Engineering) (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Computer Science (Web and App Development) (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Criminology
- Data Science (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Data Science with Applied Business Informatics (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Ecology and Conservation (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Economics
- Economics and Finance (single honours)
- Education
- English & American Literature (single honours)
- English Language for Academic Purposes
- English Literature
- English Literature and Creative Writing (single honours)
- Environment and Sustainability (single honours)
- Environmental Science
- Film Studies
- Film Studies and Creative Writing (single honours)
- Forensic and Analytical Investigation (single honours)
- Forensic Science
- Forensic Science and Criminology (single honours)
- Free-Standing Electives
- French
- Geography
- Geology
- Geology (Applied Geophysics) (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Geology (Environmental Geoscience) (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Geology (Geoforensics) (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Geology (Volcanology) (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Geology and Physical Geography (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- German
- History
- Human Biology
- Human Geography (Level 6 only)
- Human Resource Management (Level 6 only)
- International Business (Level 6 only)
- International Business and Marketing (single honours)
- International Business Management (single honours)
- International Governance and Policy (single honours) (Level 4 only)
- International Relations
- Language Courses
- Law
- Law (Graduate Entry) (single honours)
- Liberal Arts (single honours)
- Management (single honours)
- Marketing
- Marketing and Business Management (single honours)
- Mathematics
- Mathematics (Applied Mathematics) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Mathematics (Pure Mathematics) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Mathematics (with Statistics) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Media
- Media and Communications (Level 4 only)
- Media, Communications and Creative Practice (single honours) (Level 5 & Level 6 only)
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Medicine
- Music (Level 6 only)
- Music Producation and Sound Design (single honours) (Level 4 only)
- Music Production (Leve 4 only)
- Music Technology (Level 5 and Level 6 only)
- Natural Sciences (single honours)
- Neuroscience
- Nursing - Adult
- Nursing - Children's
- Nursing - Learning Disability
- Nursing - Mental Health
- Nursing - Midwifery
- Paramedic Science (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Pharmaceutical Science Technology & Business (single honours) (Level 6 only)
- Pharmaceutical Science with Business (single honours) (Level 4 and Level 5 only)
- Pharmacy (single honours)
- Philosophy
- Physical Geography (Level 6 only)
- Physics
- Physics with Astrophysics (single honours)
- Physiotherapy (single honours)
- Politics
- Psychology
- Psychology and Education (single honours)
- Psychology with Counselling (single honours)
- Public Health (single honours)
- Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) (single honours)
- Rehabilitation and Exercise Science (single honours)
- Russian
- Social and Political Sciences (single honours) (Level 4 only)
- Social Work (single honours)
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Trinity CertTESOL (TESOL)
- Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (single honours)