Clash checking process

Please be aware that prior to the beginning of the semester, your timetable may well show clashes between activities. Timetabling Team will make every effort to ensure all clashes are dealt with as soon as possible.

Depending on the type of activities that are clashing, determines the route to which the clash can be resolved. (See the clash table below):

Clash table


Core Module

Optional Module


Core Module

This will be resolved and any changes you will be contacted

You will need to choose an alternative optional module. 


Optional Module

You will need to choose an alternative optional module.

You will need to change one of these optional modules.



Timetables are subject to change throughout the year. Please check your timetable regularly.  If you have been allocated to a seminar group which meets at the same time as another group, you should ask at the school to be allocated to another tutor group. If you are unable to switch groups, or it is a compulsory lecture that clashes, you should contact the Student Services Hub or report using TopDesk. 

If you have requested a module or seminar change, there may be a delay before it appears on your timetable.