
Loneliness can impact everyone at different times of our lives, however moving to a new place away from friends and family can lead to feelings of loneliness during this otherwise exciting time. 

There are many things that you can do at Keele to try to reduce feelings of loneliness:

  • Visit the SU societies webpage, joining a society can connect you with other students with similar interests. 
  • Get out and about around campus, we have a beautiful campus for you to explore.
  • Download the wisdom app or contact Health Assured to discuss any feelings of loneliness.
  • Attend groups and sessions at the University, Counselling and Mental Health run sessions on social anxiety and other helpful topics.
  • Contact one of our students on Unibuddy to chat about the different opportunities to connect with peers on campus. 
  • Request a Peer Buddy, these Welcome Buddies are especially helpful when transitioning to Keele University. 
  • Reflect on how social media is making you feel, whilst it can connect you with others on a surface level, social media is often just a highlights reel of people's lives and can lead to more feelings of isolation.