More about #NeverOK

Why is #NeverOK so important?

We are lucky to have a safe and supportive community of staff and students here at Keele, but we're only too aware that violence and discrimination can happen in all aspects of society - including on our campus. We believe that this is unacceptable.

The #NeverOK campaign aims to end violence and disciminatory behaviour by not just standing by when we witness troubling behaviour. Instead, we strive for all members of our community to take action and ensure that Keele continues to feel a safe, fun and accepting place to be.

It's all about stepping up, if it feels safe, when we see or hear things that are wrong, for instance:

  • Homophobic, racist, sexist or other discriminatory 'jokes'
  • Discrimination in any form
  • Risky behaviour resulting from substance use (such as alcohol and drugs)
  • Taking advantage of power imbalances (such as status, size, or level of inebriation)
  • Acting in a disrespectful way to others

#NeverOK is all about doing the right thing and being a good member of a caring community.

How can I be an active bystander if I see troubling behaviour?

Keep these methods in mind if you're considering intervening in a situation:

  • Direct: speak to the victim directly, check in to see if they are ok, offer comfort and be kind.
  • Delegate: look for the support of a bartender, security, police or any other authority figure.
  • Distract: call the victim’s phone to get them out of a situation or engage the perpetrator in a conversation.

Always choose a safe and sensible way to intervene that feels natural to you. If you see someone in trouble, ask yourself if you can help safely in any way. Don't put yourself at risk - get help if in doubt.

If I'm going on a night out, what can my friends and I do to stay safe?

Acting as a community helps Keele to be a safe place. If you are on a night out, either on campus or further afield, please keep these tips in mind to help you and your friends stay safe and have a great night out:

  • Have a plan: talk with your friends about your plans for a night out before you go out. Do you feel like drinking? Where do you want to go? Having a clear plan ahead of time helps friends look after one another.
  • Go out together: go out as a group and come home as a group; don’t separate and leave your friend(s) behind. If you do decide to leave with someone else, check your friends know where you're going and that they have a way of getting home safely before you leave.
  • Diffuse situations: if you see someone coming on too strong to someone else who may be too drunk to make a consensual decision, interrupt, distract, or redirect the situation. If you are too embarrassed or shy to speak out, get someone else to step in.
  • Trust your instincts: if a situation or person doesn’t seem “right” to you, trust your gut and remove yourself or your friends from the situation.