Hate crime and discrimination

At Keele, we have a zero tolerance to racism and discrimination, of any kind – it’s #NeverOK. This applies to all our Keele community, wherever they are – learning on our campuses or across the world.

The responsibility for driving change falls on all of us. We call on every member of the Keele community to deepen their understanding of racism and discrimination in all its forms, to be able to tackle discriminatory practices at their root. We are committed to ensuring that no student should experience any form of discrimination, and that appropriate action will be taken in cases where this behaviour is perpetrated. 

Hate Crime

Useful contacts

There is support available at Keele to support students who have been a victim of hate crime. Please contact the Student Services Hub for more information. 

There are also a number of external organisations who can offer more specialist support for anyone who has been a victim of hate crime: