What we are doing

How are University community is saying #NeverOK to racism

What we are doing to say #NeverOK to racism:

Our aim is to become a truly anti-racist institution - actions speak louder than words and this is where we are focusing our efforts. We are making progress but we are the first to admit that we need to do more, and faster. Right now, we are:

  • Relaunching our #NeverOK campaign in conjunction with KeeleSU and the KPA – making this an all-community campaign, and with a specific focus on race inequality through the way we promote this campaign.
  • One of just 15 UK HEIs to have the Bronze Award in the ‘Race Equality Charter’ process supported by Advance HE. Being a part of this charter means that we have the framework to help us to focus on key areas. That is not enough in itself and does not make us truly “anti-racist”, but it is an important way of trying to ensure that we are at the forefront of the struggle against racism in the higher education sector. You can find out more about this process below.
  • We have created a Race Equality Officer post. The person in this role will offer dedicated support to the staff and student action plans we developed as part of the Race Equality Charter work. We will have someone in this role from late September 2020.
  • Working on a microaggression anonymous reporting tool – a simple way that students and staff can anonymously report a behaviour which makes them uneasy. Our Race Equality Officer will be working on this tool. You can find out more about microaggressions below.
  • Working to ‘decolonise’ our curriculum – which means critically assessing our academic programmes, to ensure the content, and the way it is delivered, is inclusive of everyone and reflects the diversity among our community. For example, we want to see greater representation of non-European thinkers in our academic programmes, and a better awareness of the historical contexts in which knowledge has developed in different subjects including the ways in which it has intersected with social hierarchies and power relations. The Decolonise Keele Network is primarily a student-led initiative leading on this and working closely with colleagues so as to ensure that we make progress in every subject across the curriculum.
  • Continuing the Race Equality Lecture Series, and other public events. Find out more information and watch recordings of previous events.
  • Working to fill the ‘awarding gap’ between the degree outcomes of black and white students, and between BAME and non-BAME students (as part of our Access and Participation Plan).
  • Working with the BAME Staff Network on a mentoring programme, and introducing a new BAME Allies programme.
  • Developing a staff training module on race equality - we plan to launch this in 2022, and make it compulsory for all staff to complete it. 
  • Working with the SU on their Be Better Do Better, anti-racism campaign - we have been working with our SU Officers with advice on their campaign and joining them for their round table discussions to get student feedback about this campaign. You can find out more about the SU's Be Better Do Better campaign here.
  • Delivering a more diverse range of activities and events including Black History Month, Ramadan and Refugee Week.
