Reporting options
These web pages are here to provide you with options for reporting an incident to the police or to the University, if the perpetrator is also a Keele student. Please remember that the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support team will never push you into making a formal report if you don't wish to, but we want to provide all the information you need to make an informed decision.
What to do
If you have recently been sexually assaulted (within the past 10 days) you may want to attend the Sexual Assault Referral Centre. You can contact the centre on 0800 970 0372 any time 24/7. A Crisis Worker will listen to what has happened to you and explain how they can help and what options are available to you. You can visit the SARC whether you wish to make a report to the police or not.
If you or someone else is in danger, please call +44(0)1782 733999 for our Campus Safety Team, or 999 for the emergency services.