If you need any advice or guidance throughout your time at Keele there is lots of support available:
Student Support
The Student Experience and Support Team can offer advice and guidance on a range of different issues that you may face at University, including personal, financial and academic difficulties. If you would like to speak to an adviser you can contact them by phone, email or live chat. For more information email student.services@keele.ac.uk or call 01782 734481.
Counselling and mental health
University is often a great experience, but it can also bring with it stress and challenge. The Counselling and Mental Health service can offer you one-to-one support and appointments as well as workshops and group work.
Disability Support & Inclusion
If you have a disability, including specific learning difficulties or mental health and wellbeing issues, the Disability Support & Inclusion Team can advise on a wide range of support to meet your individual needs. It is a good idea to contact the team before you start your course at Keele University to discuss any support you may need and ensure any necessary adjustments can be put in place.
Keele Health Centre
Keele has its own GP surgery on campus which serves the whole of the Keele University campus, Keele village and certain areas in Newcastle. For more information or to register as a patient please visit their website.
Support on your course
All students at Keele are allocated an academic mentor who is a single point of contact on your course. Your academic mentor can provide advice, support and general guidance on academic and non-academic issues. With your permission, your Student Experience and Support Officer can liaise with your academic mentor to ensure we provide the right support for you.
Careers advice and support
The Careers and Employability service is available to all students. As a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender student, you can also access targeted resources and opportunities that might be valuable for your career planning and progression.
Students' Union
The Students’ Union Elected Officers are elected to serve the student population and can be accessed for advice and support.
The Students' Union's ASK service also offers free, confidential, non-judgemental and impartial advice and support.