Raising a concern
How to raise a concern or complaint about prohibited substances on campus
The wellbeing of our student community is paramount. Not only can drugs and alcohol affect the individuals misusing them, but the people around them - such as friends, flatmates or even others on a night out. From the perspective of any person who may have alcohol or drug use issues, intervention at an early stage might help a situation from escalating.
We encourage you to be aware of how students around you are behaving, and to let the University know if you have any concerns about another student, particularly where you think someone’s health and safety could be in jeopardy. If you feel that you are being negatively affected by somebody else’s behaviour, there are options available to you to report this to the university.
We understand that it is sometimes difficult to make a complaint about another person or to be that person that reports an issue. However, we encourage everyone to be responsible and to take the consideration of others into account. If you do choose to make a complaint or raise concerns for another person and wish to remain anonymous, please discuss this with the person that you raise the complaint or issue to, and they can discuss these options with you.
If you’re concerned about somebody’s health and wellbeing, then please get in touch with Student Services:
- Email student.services@keele.ac.uk
- Call 01782 734481
- Book an appointment with your Student Experience and Support Team (based on which faculty you belong to) here
If you have concerns that require urgent attention, you can contact the Campus Safety Team and they will arrange for the right support to be made available:
- Call 01782 733999
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