Vaccinations and registering with a health centre

Please ensure all your vaccinations are up to date for life in the UK. If you need specific vaccines for your course, please contact your School to discuss these if you are unsure.

Moving to Keele campus or the local area?

If you'll be moving to Keele or the surrounding area when you begin studying with us, you'll need to register with a local GP surgery. Keele Practice (Health Centre) is located on campus. Please complete your pre-registration online with the Practice before coming to the University. It is essential that you register with a local GP to ensure that if anything were to happen to you during your time at Keele, the local hospital would be able to access your medical history.

Alongside MenACWY vaccinations, flu vaccinations will also be available for patients who register at the practice.

Meningitis and the MenACWY vaccination

NHS England strongly advises that university entrants should be vaccinated with the Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) vaccine before the beginning of the new academic term. The MenACWY vaccine is also routinely offered to teenagers in school years 9 and 10, however if you have missed this you can request it from your GP. Please get this vaccine as soon as possible as the risk of contracting Meningitis increases with communal living. If you have not had the MenACWY vaccination and will be coming on to campus, this will be available to you when you register at Keele Practice.

For more details about this vaccination, please visit the NHS website

Find out about the signs and symptoms of meningitis here

MMR vaccination

The MMR vaccine protects against Measles, Mumps and Rubella and can be given at any age. Find out more about the MMR vaccine on the NHS website.

Make sure you have downloaded the Keele App onto your device, or are accessing it regularly via a web browser - just go to - to view events taking place on campus.