Pre-arrival support

We provide pre-arrival resources and sessions to support your transition to life as a University student. For September 2024, we will be offering an in-person pre-arrival session, as well as access to recorded sessions and resources.

Tuesday 10 September, 10am to 4pm

Our pre-arrival event is designed to support students who may feel worried about their transition to life as a Keele student, and aims to give participants a sense of belonging and set them on the right tracks to succeed. The event will include the following sessions: 

  • How to use the Library
  • How to use IT systems
  • Mental health and wellbeing support
  • Effective learning strategies
  • Our campus and services
  • Money management

There will also be time to meet some of your fellow students and get to know them. Please sign up using the form linked below.

Make sure you have downloaded the Keele App onto your device, or are accessing it regularly via a web browser - just go to - to view events taking place on campus.