
Step up with your department, friends or family and take on one of our challenges-all from the comfort of your own home. All challenges are open to staff and students! 

Brit 2021 logo

Brit 2021 - completed

Raise positive awareness for mental health and take on the Brit 2021 challenge from home.

Keele University is taking on the Brit 2021 mental health, fitness and wellbeing challenge, and we need you!

Couch 2 5k & virtual running groups

Virtual 5k Challenges

Join our virtual Couch to 5k group to get active at an achievable pace.

If you would like to take part in Virtual 5k run, please join our club on the Strava App (Keele Running), click to attend the event, share your run and post a picture.

If you would like to join our Couch to 5k support groups, please follow the link to join:

Fitness Tracker Challenge

Fitness Tracker Challenge

Helping you get your steps in.