Social Leagues

As part of the regular Active Keele programme, we have flexible & dynamic social leagues leagues!

Social Leagues are a great way to include a factor of competition whilst socialising with your friends and other students in a league based format. 

The social leagues that we will be running during 23/24 are:

  • Tuesday - Netball
  • Thursday - 6-a-side Football
  • Friday - 11-a-side Football (External applicants are able to register and play in this league)
  • Friday - Indoor cricket league

You can collect the registration forms from the sports centre reception or email Ben.

The deadline for entering a league is Friday 6th October. There will be a sign up night on Tuesday 3rd October. There, you will be able to speak to the league admins and also ask any questions regarding the league and signing up. 

League start dates week commencing Monday 16th October.

The cost for entering a league is £10 per person. 

It is advised registering with a team, however, if you can't get enough people to enter, we will try our best but can't guarantee to put you in with another team that is playing in that league.

Please note that if we do not get enough teams entering the league, the league will not go ahead. 

We are now looking towards the next semester - if you are interested in entering a team or have any ideas for new intramural leagues you'd like setting up, please get in touch: b.l.winstanley@keele.ac.uk.