Customer charter

Our mission statement: "We will promote health and well-being for ALL through sport, exercise, social participation and community engagement. Our legacy is to inspire all our students to embrace long and active lifestyles."

Our Charter explains what customers should expect from us

  • Excellent customer care, high quality, cost effective services.
  • Clean and safe premises.
  • Active encouragement of a healthier lifestyle for all our residents.
  • Work in partnership with others to provide a wide range of activities.
  • Investment in our facilities to improve and upgrade services.
  • Implementation of environmentally friendly practices.


  • We promise to ensure all areas have a specific cleaning and inspection schedule.
  • The toilets and changing rooms will be checked at least every two hours.
  • We will react promptly to cleanliness issues raised by customers.

Health and safety

  • Our staff will undertake regular training to ensure a safe environment for our customers.
  • We will ensure risk assessments have been carried out on our facilities and activities.
  • We promise to inspect and test all equipment for use by customers and will correct defects.
  • We will continuously review the management of Health & Safety for the benefit of our customers and staff.
  • All of the activities and classes run by the Sports Centre will be run by qualified and/or experienced coaches or session leaders.

Service quality

  • All staff will wear a uniform and a name badge.
  • Telephone enquiries will be answered promptly.
  • We will operate a lost and found property procedure.
  • All comments, complaints or suggestions will be taken seriously. Please speak directly to a member of staff or complete a feedback form. Upon request you will receive an acknowledgement of your completed feedback form within two working days and a full reply within 10 working days.
  • We promise to publish the times and availability of services and any foreseen changes to the availability of facilities and activities will be notified to our customers through the display of an appropriate notice on our website and at reception.
  • We will utilise Information Technology to enhance our customer service.
  • All staff will answer any customer queries concerning our operation, if a member of staff cannot they will direct to someone who can.

Enquiries and complaints

  • We will do our best to fully deal with enquiries on first point of contact.
  • We will ensure that customers find communication with us easy and efficient; however they choose to contact us.
  • If we can't give a customer the desired solution, we will always explain why appropriately.

Good information

  • We will give information that is easy to understand, accurate and meets customer needs.
  • We will keep customers informed of the progress of enquiries if they can't be dealt with within 24 hours of us picking it up. When using email we will acknowledge receipt of an enquiry as soon as we pick it up. (We will only be able to receive emails during our normal working hours so if we are closed when an enquiry is sent, it will be picked up the next working day).
  • We will approach each enquiry with professionalism.
  • We will always be polite, friendly and helpful.
  • We will treat customers fairly and sensitively protect their personal privacy.
  • We will organise an interpreter, signer, translation or alternative format if customers requires us to do so.

What we expect from our customers

  • To treat our staff with courtesy and respect.
  • Comments and complaints.
  • Constructive opinions about the services they receive to help us to make future improvements.

To make a comment or complaint customers can contact us on the details below:

t: 01782 733368

In person by visiting the Sports Centre reception and speaking to a member of staff.
By post to Keele University Sports Centre, Keele University, Staffordshire STS SBG.
By feedback card available at the sport centre reception.

Customer charter download

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