Terms and conditions

Fitness centre

Fitness centre rules and regulations

The membership

  1. There is no membership joining or cancellation fee.
  2. At all times members must log or sign in to gain entry to the Fitness Centre.
  3. Membership is strictly non-transferrable and cannot be suspended, frozen or re-sold to a third party. The only exception to this would be for a medical reason, in which case a doctor’s note will be required.
  4. All memberships are valid from the date of purchase until the date of expiry.
  5. Memberships may be terminated by Keele Sports Centre where membership cards or details are deliberately given to others for fraudulent use.
  6. Members must be 16 or over.
  7. Membership prices are displayed at reception and are available on the website.
  8. Keele Sports Centre is a member of the BUCS Universal Membership Scheme; ask at Reception for further details.


  1. Members are expected to maintain a high standard of personal hygiene at all times.
  2. Members are to store their belongings and personal items in the lockers provided prior to using the gym.
  3. Use of inappropriate language is not permitted at any time.
  4. No member shall attempt to use the facilities whilst under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or other mood altering substances.


  1. Members must wear appropriate clothing, t-shirt or vest, shorts or tracksuit bottoms and clean trainers.

Physical condition

  1. For safety reasons members are responsible for using all equipment correctly, using all club facilities correctly and the reading of any signage. Members use the facilities at their own risk; the Sports Centre does not accept responsibility for any harm or injury to any customer unless caused by employees of the University.
  2. Members warrant that they are in suitable physical health to undertake their chosen activity and know of no medical or other reason why they are incapable of engaging in active or passive exercise.  None of our staff are medically qualified; if you are in doubt about your fitness or ability to exercise, we strongly recommend that you obtain advice from your GP beforehand. 
  3. We strongly advise all members to complete an induction to the gym and members should ask for an induction if not offered.  If you are not sure how to use any of the equipment, always ask a member of staff to demonstrate.

General etiquette

  1. Members must bring their own towel with them to all sessions and must wipe down all equipment after use, using the disinfectant spray provided, in order to maintain hygiene standards.
  2. At busy times members may be asked to limit the amount of time spent on each piece of equipment.
  3. Members are requested to report any faulty or malfunctioning equipment immediately to a member of the Sports Centre staff.
  4. Members are requested to advise management if dissatisfied with any element of the service provided.
  5. Members may use their mobile phone, but consideration must be given to other members at all times.
  6. Photographs must not be taken in any area of the Sports Centre without seeking prior written approval from staff.
  7. No food is to be consumed by members in the activity area and no open top cups are allowed in the activity area.
  8. Members are asked to return all equipment to its original place as a matter of courtesy and equipment should not be removed from the Fitness Centre at any time.

Refunds and cancellations

  1. You may cancel your membership within 10 days of joining, provided that you have not used the Centre on more than one occasion.  You will need to confirm this in person or in writing.
  2. Memberships will only be suspended on medical grounds by an authorised employee of the Sports Centre and will require written and signed medical evidence from a doctor.  This suspension will be for a maximum of 6 months.


For further information please visit us on campus at Keele Sports Centre,
call the Sports Centre Reception: 01782 733368, go to our website: www.keele.ac.uk/sport
or email: sport@keele.ac.uk