Terms and conditions of booking
Unless otherwise stated, CLA courses are held online via MS Teams
Place reservation confirmation
When we receive your booking form, an email confirming your place reservation will be sent to the email address/es provided by you on your booking form.
Places remain reserved until payment has been received, which should be as soon as possible after you have booked. Payment links will be included on your place reservation email. Once payment has been received, a confirmation of your payment will be emailed to you; this will also confirm your place. If payment has not been received, by the latest, six weeks prior to the course date, we reserve the right to offer the place to someone else.
Joining instructions
We aim to email joining instructions and any other pertinent documentation approximately seven to ten working days prior to the course start date. It is the responsibility of course participants to follow the instructions sent and ensure that they can connect to the course. Keele cannot accept responsibility for poor quality internet connections.
To make any changes to your booking, please contact us via telephone or email.
Group discount
There may be a group booking discount available for groups of three or more participants booking from the same hospital Trust. This discount is only applicable if quoted at the time of booking and cannot be applied retrospectively. Please contact us for more information.
Please inform us, by telephone and in writing, as soon as you can, if you think you are unable to attend a course. This enables us to give someone else the opportunity to attend. We understand that plans can change, and we will always do our best to help you. Please note the following points:
- You can transfer to another course at any time up to two weeks before the start date of a scheduled course (subject to availability) at no extra charge. If you wish to transfer within two weeks before the course start date, you may incur a transfer fee, depending on individual circumstances.
- You can cancel anytime up to six weeks before the course and receive a full refund; you can cancel anytime between two and six weeks before the course and receive a full refund minus a £50 administration fee, which covers non-refundable fees. No refunds will be available within two weeks before the start date of a scheduled course.
- If you are unable to attend a course due to illness, and providing you cancel in advance, we may offer you a full or partial refund or transfer to another course depending on the individual circumstances.
In the very unusual event that we have to cancel a course, we will offer you the choice of a full refund or a free transfer to an alternative, available course date. We will try to give you at least one weeks’ notice, but sometimes (for example, if a course is cancelled due to illness) this may not be possible. Keele Clinical Leadership Academy (Keele University) accepts no liability for non-refundable costs in the event that a course is cancelled.
Face-to-face courses
This policy also applies to face-to-face courses. In addition, however, we reserve the right to cancel a face-to-face course where we believe the weather conditions are so bad that it would be unreasonable to expect participants and/or speakers to travel to the venue. If we make the decision that it is reasonable to run the course, failure to attend may result in the loss of your course fee. It is your responsibility to research alternative methods of transportation before a course to ensure you can attend, and it is your responsibility to book refundable accommodation costs.
Please Note: We reserve the right to alter the course content, timings and/or any advertised speaker (to cover sickness or late unavailability) in unforeseen circumstances, to enable an advertised course to run.
Contact us
Keele Clinical Leadership Academy
Tel: 01782 731384 / 731608 / 734932
Email: health.cml@keele.ac.uk