Academic Subject Activities
Academic outreach activities at Keele University are designed to inspire your students, giving them an insight into the exciting and interesting subjects they can study at university. If you are interested in any of the sessions listed below or if there is a subject area you are interested in but is not listed, please get in touch with
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
School's out for summer | Although the school summer holidays may conjure images of sunshine, the seaside and ice creams for many pupils, it also brings the harsh realities of hunger for some. Discover the often unseen side of school holidays and learn how YOU can be part of the solution. | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | Yes | Yes |
Why school sucks, and what can we do about it | At least 190 days of your year are spent in school… 190 DAYS, that’s over half of the year! And, you have been doing this since you were 5 years old! Are we getting school wrong? Explore this question and more. Join staff from the Education programme at Keele, whilst we explore why school sucks and what we can do about it. | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | Yes | Yes |
They made them sit still when they wanted to play | Join us for an engaging discussion around the popular children’s book Wild Child (Jeanne Willis). Explore questions such as, what can children’s literature tell us about modern childhoods? How does enforcing stillness in classrooms impact on learning and development? And what might a more playful, engaging and effective approach to education be? | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | Yes | Yes |
What can school means tell us about education | Deep dive into the surprising ways school meals reflect broader educational values and priorities. School lunches are more than just a midday food-fest – they reveal critical insights into our educational system’s commitment to student well-being and equality. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the hidden lessons within school meals. | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | Yes | Yes |
The sociopolitical landscape of Education | Education doesn’t exist in a vacuum – it’s deeply influenced by politics, economics and social dynamics. Join us to explore how these factors impact educational policies, access to resources and the overall learning environment. From funding disparities to curriculum choices, discover how the sociopolitical context shapes your educational experience. | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | Yes | Yes |
Bespoke Sessions | If you have an idea for a session that isn’t requested, please get in touch with the team as we may be able to offer a bespoke session designed to meet the needs of the audience. | TBC | Maybe | Maybe |
International Relations
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
The Geopolitics of the Global Right | The rise of the global right in recent decades raises questions about the viability of the international liberal order. What do parties, movements, and political figures like the National Rally in France, Brexit in the UK, Donald Trump in the USA, Modi in India, and others have in common? Do they pose a threat to the current international liberal order and democracy? This talk will engage critically with the global right, trace its roots, and evaluate its threats to the international liberal order. | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | Yes | Yes |
War, Peace, and World Order | We used to think in binary terms: we are either at war or living through peaceful times. This doesn’t seem to be the case anymore with ongoing regional wars (e.g., Ukraine, Middle East, Africa), Cyberwarfare, continuous tensions between major powers on the world stage, or indeed the climate catastrophe. How can we make sense of our insecure global times? Do we need a new way of thinking about war, peace, and global order? This talk will offer a historical analysis of war and peace in world politics, while offering new ways to think about our complex contemporary global order. | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | ||
The Middle East and World Politics | The Middle East has long been seen as a source of regional and global instability. Continuous tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the Arab Spring; The invasion of Iraq in 2003 and its aftermath; oil and more. How can we make sense of the complex international relations of the ME and its effects globally? What role does the history of colonialism and imperialism play in today’s ME politics? This talk will offer a critical analysis of the role great powers play in ME history, as well as contemporary challenges the region faces. | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | ||
Gendering World Politics | How do we make sense of the role gender plays in world politics? How do feminist approaches help us understand the world of diplomacy, international organizations, the military, security and more? This talk will demonstrate how deploying a feminist lens helps us look at world politics through a different lens, thus demonstrating how gender moves the world around. | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | ||
Bespoke Sessions | If you have an idea for a session that isn’t requested, please get in touch with the team as we may be able to offer a bespoke session designed to meet the needs of the audience. | TBC | Maybe | Maybe |
Institute of Sport
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
Introduction to Sport at Keele | Combining expertise in medicine, health, exercise, psychology, and business, this introductory session covers the different areas of teaching within the Institute of Sport and an overview of the programmes available. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Keele Business School
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
ICAN Competition | Join Keele Business School for their ICAN Competition, designed over three stages to show students that university and business courses are for them if they want it. The first stage will introduce the competition, the second stage will comprise a presentation back to the Keele Business School Dragons and the final stage will comprise of a visit to Keele University | 12, 13 and Mature Learners | Yes | Yes (stages 1 & 2) |
Bespoke Sessions | If you have an idea for a session that isn’t requested, please get in touch with the team as we may be able to offer a bespoke session designed to meet the needs of the audience. | TBC | Maybe | Maybe |
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
What is the most significant medical advance? | What do you think is the most significant medical advance? Join us for an engaging and interactive session where you will work in teams to solve puzzles that unravel major medical breakthroughs. Once the puzzles are solved, you will cast votes to decide which medical advance deserves the title of "most significant". This session combines critical thinking, teamwork and lively debate, offering an engaging and thought-provoking way to explore the history and impact of medicine's greatest milestones | 12 & 13 | Yes | Yes Minimum class size of 6 people required |
When does a poison become a medicine, and when does a medicine become a poison? | The origin of physic, or pharmacological therapy, is the use of plants to treat illnesses. Many commonly used therapeutic drugs – as well as recreational drugs – are derived from plants or other living organisms. We will explore how many substances derived from living things, which were originally identified as poisons, came to be used in medicine. We will also look at how medicinal drugs can sometimes cause harm instead of benefit. | 12 & 13 | Yes | Yes |
What's the bleeding time? | When you cut yourself, or cause any kind of trauma to blood vessels, a hugely complex process begins to reduce the loss of blood by forming clots. But this can sometimes go wrong, either failing to produce clots or forming them in places where they block essential blood flow. We will look at how blood clots form, what problems can arise when this goes wrong, and ways in which these problems may be fixed. | 12 & 13 | Yes | Yes |
Introduction to problem-based learning | Problem-based learning is one form of small-group, self-directed learning that is used in a variety of degree courses, including some medicine courses. This session will give you a short experience of working through a clinical problem to identify the key points and to define a set of questions you need to explore to understand the case. | 12 & 13 | Yes | Yes |
First steps in diagnosis | When a patient first presents with a medical problem, there are several basic measurements that are performed to suggest possible causes. These include vital signs, electrocardiogram (ECG) and spirometry (lung function). In this hands-on session, you will learn how these measurements are performed and what they can tell you. | 12 & 13 | Yes | Yes |
Nursing and Midwifery
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
Nursing and Midwifery Overview | An introductory session into the different fields of nursing and midwifery available to students and an overview of the 3-year BSc programmes available | 12 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Personal Statements for Nursing and Midwifery | A session which provides personal statement advice and will help to prepare students for interviews within the Nursing and Midwifery fields | 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Mock Interviews | Mock interviews for students to help them to prepare and be ready for their interviews. | 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
A to E Assessment | A to E assessment is a key part of a nurse's role. In this workshop the basic elements of the assessment process will be explored, and there will be an opportunity to practice Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in a controlled setting. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Unavailable |
The art of antenatal palpation? | Antenatal examinations are a key part of a midwives role, being carried out at most midwifery appointments as they help to assess fetal well being. In this workshop, the basic elements of this skill will be taught and students will have the opportunity to have hands on experience of performing this skill and listening to a simulation fetal heart beat | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Unavailable |
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
Is ChatGPT Conscious? | If you ask it then it tells you it isn’t, but one of its predecessors told Google engineer Blake Lemoine that it felt “happy or sad at times” and he believed it. But what even is “consciousness” and why do philosophers think it is so important? At this talk you’ll find out. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
What makes you the same person you were yesterday? | Is it your body? But that’s always changing. Is it your mind? Maybe, but what is a mind? And what’s the difference between a “person” and a “human being”? | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Is time travel possible? | If it is then you could go back in time and kill your grandfather before your father was born. But then your father would never have been born, so you would never have been born either, so how could you kill your grandfather? | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Is euthanasia always wrong? | Euthanasia means “good death”, but can death ever be good, and can killing someone ever be justified? If someone is in pain it can seem like an act of mercy, but how could you ever be sure you were doing the right thing? | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Bespoke Sessions | If you have an idea for a session that isn’t requested, please get in touch with the team as we may be able to offer a bespoke session designed to meet the needs of the audience. | TBC | Maybe | Maybe |
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
Democracy under threat? | Democracy both at home and around the world has arguably never been under more pressure. It faces challenges from below with citizens feeling dissatisfied with, and distrustful of, politicians, and questioning the effectiveness and fairness of institutions, and it faces risks from above with the growth of populism and autocratic leadership. In this session we will explore these myriad challenges, consider how dangerous they are, and reflect on what can and should be done to stem their threats. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
The US Elections | US politics is pretty much in a state of perpetual electoral frenzy. No sooner has someone been elected to the House of Representatives than they’re having to think about running for election again. Presidential election campaigns appear to start two years before election day. So, who won last time out and why? Who’ll win in the next set of elections? These are the perpetual questions of US politics. In this session we can focus on the classic contest of Republicans and Democrats to discuss the outcomes and upcoming contests, or ask deeper questions about what the US system of elections is doing to the operation of US politics including the day-to-day processes of partisan contest and making policy. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Participation and Political Change: How Can We Make Our Voices Heard | From making ethical purchasing decisions, to volunteering to help a cause you are passionate about, to reading the news, to protesting against any type of injustice, we all participate in politics all the time. This session will encourage you think about the ways in which we participate in politics and how we can change the world we live in, asking question such as: How important is it to vote? What other ways can people make their voices heard? Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote? | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
The Changing Face of British Politics | The British political system, once a model for other nations, now faces sustained criticism. It has failed to provide stability, prosperity, and true representation. Events like the campaign for Scottish independence, Brexit, the COVID pandemic, and the rise of anti-politics have challenged the system. The political establishment grapples with these issues, creating a sense of crisis. However, the UK has also rapidly liberalised, recognising alternative lifestyles. These dynamics paint a complex picture of governance in the 21st century, which we’ll explore in this session. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Bespoke Sessions | If you have an idea for a session that isn’t requested, please get in touch with the team as we may be able to offer a bespoke session designed to meet the needs of the audience. | TBC | Maybe | Maybe |
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
Social Psychology including crowds, protests, activism, climate action, and social influence | Crowds are central to the social and political societies that we live in, but are they a dangerous and pathological intrusion into civilised living or is that an unfair assumption? This session looks into common beliefs surrounding the nature of crowds and the psychology of mobs and crowds. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Why do people differ in their perception of #TheDress | Did you see white and gold? Or did you see black and blue? This session seeks to explain the science behind why people saw such stark difference in the controversial phenomenon of #TheDress. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Humour Psychology: humour styles, children's humour and wellbeing | Understanding what makes people laugh and, importantly, why. Covering different types of humour and the age groups that use them to link humour to different aspects of psychological and social adjustment. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Swearing: A cheap, readily available, calorie-neutral, drug free means of self help | There are many well documented benefits of swearing including improving pain tolerance, boosting physical strength and helping social cohesion. This session looks into why swearing is “technically” good for you. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Waking up to the power of sleep | A session discussing the impact of sleep and the science behind how sleep quality affects mental health. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
"An algorithm a day keeps the Doctor away" - will robots run the health service? | Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in most industries today, with many people asking the same questions surrounding the use of AI in the workplace. This session looks into the role of robots and AI in healthcare and its impact. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
How to spot a liar | Sometimes what's going on in our minds, our psychology, can cause changes in what's happening in our bodies, in other words, our physiology. This fun, interactive session explored the science behind lying and detection, looking at psychology in action and asking one fundamental question: Is the Polygraph (lie detector) reliable? | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Your childhood superpower! How everything until your adulthood affects everything else for the rest of your life | Looking into how childhood and adolescence has lasting implications on your behaviour and personality for the rest of your adult life. Introducing the science of child psychology and how children learn. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Session name | Description | Year group | Delivered at Keele University | Delivered in Schools |
Unequal World: Understanding Social Inequality through Sociology | Explore the pressing issue of social inequality with our interactive sociology outreach talk. Discover how sociologists study the roots and impacts of inequality and think about the ways we can work towards a more just society. Through engaging activities and real-world examples, you'll see why understanding inequality is crucial for shaping a better future. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Society After AI | One of the great concerns of contemporary society is how artificial intelligence will impact upon the future of humanity. How many of the jobs we currently take for granted will be carried out by machines? How will the rise of deepfakes shape our trust and relationships? This interactive session tackles the pros and cons of AI, and explores how sociology provides roadmap for navigating a world where humans and machines coexist. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Thinking Sociologically about Families, Parenting and Childhood | Participants will be invited to explore how the experiences of parents and children are shaped by the societies in which we live. Examples and images from different historical periods and from around the world will be used in this interactive workshop. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Living in a Consumer Society | How much do we consume? On any given day, the average person sees thousands of advertising messages, uses hundreds of branded products, and the number of problems they solve which don't involve shopping or handing over (virtual) cash in some form is tiny. Does it matter that our lives are organised around the buying of goods? And how deep does this go: can everything be consumed? Perhaps a better question is: should it be? | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Witchcraft, Zombies, and Social Anxiety | Explore the sociological significance of witchcraft, zombies, and social anxiety in today's world. This interactive session examines how supernatural phenomena mirror societal fears, cultural anxieties, and the human need for control in uncertain times. Discover why magic remains a powerful tool for understanding and navigating contemporary social dynamics, including gender, ethnicity and religious difference. | 12, 13 & Mature | Yes | Yes |
Bespoke Sessions | If you have an idea for a session that isn’t requested, please get in touch with the team as we may be able to offer a bespoke session designed to meet the needs of the audience. | TBC | Maybe | Maybe |