Sarah Powell - Digital Content Producer, National Theatre

After trying her hand at working in social media at university, graduate Sarah Powell is now creating content for one of the world’s most famous theatres. 


As a Digital Content Producer at the National Theatre, in London, Sarah produces and directs a wide range of video content across online, social and streaming to support the work of the theatre and promote its world-renowned stage productions. 

Sarah, who studied Film with Creative Writing at Keele, has been with the company for two years and says no two days are ever the same. She said: “It was a big step up from my previous job but I am really enjoying what I am doing. The National Theatre is a big name and that brings with it a lot of attention and pressure in terms of the content we produce, but that can also be positive and bring out the best in people. 

“The job varies day to day and involves a lot of working through ideas and storyboards and developing concepts. It’s a very creative environment to work in, and everybody is keen to help each other if somebody has an idea they want to take forward. 

“The biggest project I have been involved in so far was the revival of The Effect by The Jamie Lloyd Company, which had some big names in the cast and they were all great to work with. It’s a brilliant feeling when a campaign or project you have worked on for so long is finally out there and everybody is happy with it.” 

During her time at Keele, Sarah signed up to be one of the University’s digital ambassadors, where students are paid to create content and videos for the University’s social media channels and showcase life at Keele. She was also an active member of Keele Boat Club and represented the University in events across the country. 

She said: “I’d always had an interest in making videos and being a digital ambassador at Keele was a great opportunity to get a small taste of what that would be like as a job. I got to produce content and videos for Keele’s social media channels, including a video about an open day, and it was a great experience which spurred me on with my career. 

“I had a great time at Keele and enjoyed both the educational and social sides of life at the University. My degree was helpful with the creative work I produce now as part of my job, and rowing in the boat club gave me determination to succeed and keep pushing myself.”