
Mandarin Chinese/Standard Chinese (Putonghua/Hanyu) is spoken by 70% of the people of China. Standard Mandarin (Beijing Dialect) is the lingua franca in a country of nearly 1.4 billion people, 56 distinct ethnic groups and 292 living languages. It is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. The written form is based on pictogram known as Hanzi (中文zhōngwén).

Learning Mandarin Chinese will give you opportunities to experience 5,000 years of Chinese history, 9,600,000 square kilometres of land, delicious food and many interesting customs and traditional festivals.

At Keele we offer 6 levels of Chinese, from absolute beginner to intermediate, available to all Keele students and staff.

See the module catalogue for the description of:

Semester 1
Semester 2
Chinese 1 Chinese 2
Chinese 3  Chinese 4
Chinese 5 Chinese 6

What our students say

Here's what some of our previous students had to say about our Chinese Modern Language modules:

"I'd just like to highlight the enthusiasm and optimism of my Mandarin tutor and thank her for her seemingly infinite patience."

"My tutor was very inspirational and has made me want to learn Chinese at a greater level."

"What a fantastic 3 years of language learning, it has been the highlight of my three years at Keele."

"Feedback simultaneously built confidence and issued points for improvement."

"I enjoyed the media used to help familiarise us with the pronunciations. I would like to see some more of them in my later Chinese learning."