Online Pre-sessional Academic English - Course Overview

The Keele online Pre-sessional Academic English courses have been carefully developed to give you the skills you need for success in your degree.

Course information

Pre-sessional Academic English Student The Keele Pre-sessional provides:

  • At least 21 hours of work each week including a mixture of contact time with tutors in classes, individual meetings with tutors, meetings with other students and individual work.
  • Classes will be held at times to suit students working in different time zones.
  • Contact with experienced and qualified language teachers.
  • Instruction and practice in reading, writing, speaking and listening for academic purposes.
  • All course materials.
  • Access to virtual Blackboard module, Microsoft Teams and online access to University Library.
  • Personalised feedback at the end of the course, with individual recommendations for self-study.
  • A Certificate of Completion.
  • A blended learning approach to enhance your study experience.
  • Exposure to the types of assignments, readings, lectures, assessments and teaching you will have in your degree programme.
  • Contact with lecturers and academic staff from a range of subject areas.

The minimum enrolment age is 18 years.

If you have already applied to Keele you do not need to make a fresh application to study this course. 

Students who would like to join one of these programmes can contact our admissions office by emailing Please include your name and student number in your email.

We will continue to consider applications after the recommended application submission date. However, if you are not able to start on the first day of the course, you should be aware that the amount of study and work you are required to complete remains the same and all students are required to pass the course irrespective of the point at which they commence it.

The course fee must be paid in full, regardless of length of attendance and circumstances for late arrival.