School of Medicine
We look forward to welcoming you to the offer holder day, please take a look at the information below to see what activities and sessions you can join.
Unfortunately the Medicine Academic Sessions are fully booked on Saturday 14th March however you are welcome to attend the offer holder day and join one of the Medicine building tours. Alternatively, our last offer holder day takes place on Saturday 4th April, please click here to book onto this event.
Morning session: 10:30 - 12:00 (bus departs from Darwin Building at 10:00)
Academic Taster Session (for offer holders only), Clinical Skills at Clinical Skills Laboratory, Clinical Education Centre, Hospital Campus, ST4 6QG. Transport will be provided, the coach will depart from outside Darwin Building at 10:00. The return coach will depart from the main entrance to the Clinical Education Centre at 12:00. Parking is limited at the hospital campus, therefore we recommend you travel on the coach provided. For those who wish to drive, click here for a map of the site. Pay and display parking charges are in operation. We are unable to guarantee spaces being available on the day.
Afternoon session: 13:00 - 14:30
Academic Taster Session, Problem Based Learning (offer holders only) at David Weatherall Building, Keele University Campus. Applicants will undertake PBL/Anatomy/Labs and wrap up session.
Please note that this session is for offer holders only. There will be a short Problem Based Learning session running that guests are invited to attend.
You are welcome to attend both sessions or one, depending on what other activities you would like to take part in.
Optional tours depart at 10:30 / 11:00 / 11:30 / 12:00 / 12:30
If you are unable to make the Clinical Skills Session please feel free to drop into the David Weatherall building and join a tour. This session is open to offer holders and guests.