Postgraduate research entry requirements

Before submitting an application to undertake a research degree at Keele, you are advised to contact the relevant Research Office. This will allow you to discuss your research proposal, available supervision and the entry requirements of the research degree.

Before applying for a PhD, MPhil, DM or Professional Doctorate:

You are advised to contact the relevant administrator listed on the course website. Our dedicated postgraduate support staff can provide information on course-specific entry requirements. For PhD, MPhil and DM applicants, they can also provide information on potential supervisors you need to consider before applying. 


  •        PhD, MPhil and DMs usually require an Honours degree with a first or 2.1 classifications, or the equivalent if you have been educated outside the UK (See here for international equivalent guidelines - found here >). Any other academic and/or professional qualifications you may have are also considered, and in some cases form an integral part of the entrance requirement.
  •        Professional Doctorates usually require a Masters Degree, or the equivalent if you have been educated outside the UK (See here for international equivalent guidelines - found here >); and hold that qualification normally in the general field you are applying within, or it's equivalent in professional experience and a professionally accredited programme. Applicants without a Masters degree will be considered on a case-by-case basis, where they can provide evidence of relevant professional experience or other experiential prior learning.

Non-standard qualifications

If your qualifications are non-standard or different from the entry requirements stated, please contact the relevant course administrator, to discuss whether your application would be considered.


Entry on to many degrees is highly competitive; consequently, we also consider industrial experience as well as the skills, attributes, motivation and potential for success of an individual when deciding whether to make an offer.

Please note

  • Entry on to many programmes is highly competitive; consequently we also consider the skills, attributes, motivation and potential for success of an individual when deciding whether to make an offer
  • After we have received your application you may, if you live in the UK, be invited for an interview or to visit us to discuss your application
  • For Management subject areas all candidates must provide a statement as to how the proposed research fits within the research interests of the staff at Keele. This must be provided before applications are considered

Facts and figures