Biomedical Science (Graduate Diploma) - Pre MSc, GradDip

Whether you’re seeking to switch careers, pursue a long-held interest in biomedical research or wish to develop subject-specific knowledge and improve your language skills, our Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Science is specifically designed to prepare you for postgraduate study. With access to state-of-the-art facilities, you’ll spend a year engaged in tailored discipline-specific, pre-master’s study which will equip you with the knowledge and skills required to succeed at MSc level. On successful completion, you’ll transition directly onto our MSc Biomedical Science (Blood Science or Medical Microbiology) programmes, which are accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS).

Month of entry

  • September

Mode of study

  • Full time


Subject area

  • Life Sciences, Natural Sciences

Fees for 2025/26 academic year

  • UK - Full time £7,600 per year
    International - Full time £11,450 per year

Duration of study

  • 1 year

Why study Biomedical Science (Graduate Diploma) at Keele University?

Prepare to succeed at postgraduate study – bridge skills gaps, boost your confidence and develop core academic skills in research, analysis, critical thinking, writing and presentation.
Guaranteed progression on successful completion to MSc (Blood Science/Medical Microbiology), accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science
£45m investment in state-of-the-art science facilities which feature fluorescence microscopes, electron microscopes and tools for molecular biology.
Keele has long-established expertise in infectious diseases and conducts research in collaboration worldwide networks including ECLIPSE and Target Malaria.
Engage with world-class researchers and biomedical scientists with expertise in parasitology, bacteriology and virology.
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Gia Hepburn, Biomedical Science (Graduate Diploma)

"This course is the perfect transitioning programme! It helped me gain the knowledge and skills required to succeed at the MSc level, as well as the opportunity to network with and learn from my lecturers, peers and experienced laboratory staff. All that I learned during this postgraduate diploma helped me to go on to successfully complete the Biomedical Science MSc and be awarded a prestigious summer internship in Geneva, Switzerland. So, I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in studying life sciences at postgraduate level."

Gia, Biomedical Science (Graduate Diploma)

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Hobart O'Rourke, Biomedical Science (Graduate Diploma)

"returning to Keele as a mature student to study a Pre-Master’s course in Biomedical Science has given me the chance to change my career without undergoing a second undergraduate degree, and furthermore, has allowed me the opportunity to apply for a Master’s degree in a subject I, otherwise, would not have been admissible to study. The Pre-Master’s course covered a range of relevant topics and I found that I was able to tailor my assignments to my specific areas of interest. "

Hobart, Biomedical Science (Graduate Diploma)

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Keele Postgraduate Association

Keele University is one of a handful of universities in the UK to have a dedicated students' union for postgraduate students. A fully registered charity, Keele Postgraduate Association serves as a focal point for the social life and welfare needs of all postgraduate students during their time at Keele.

KPA interior

Hugely popular, the KPA Clubhouse (near Horwood Hall) provides a dedicated postgraduate social space and bar on campus, where you can grab a bite to eat and drink, sit quietly and read a book, or switch off from academic life at one of the many regular events organised throughout the year. The KPA also helps to host a variety of conferences, as well as other academic and career sessions, to give you and your fellow postgraduates the opportunities to come together to discuss your research, and develop your skills and networks.

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