Biomedical Science (Medical Microbiology) - MSc

Biomedical scientists, microbiologists and virologists play a critical role in preventing, diagnosing, treating and managing the spread of infection. Accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science, our MSc aims to deepen your understanding of disease processes and the methods used to test, analyse and monitor them. Keele has long-established expertise in infectious diseases and conducts research in collaboration with worldwide networks including ECLIPSE.

Month of entry

  • September, January

Mode of study

  • Full time, Part time


Subject area

  • Health and Rehabilitation, Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Science

Fees for 2025/26 academic year

  • UK - Full time £11,400 per year. Part time £6,300 per year.
    International - £17,700 per year.

Duration of study

  • 1 year full time, 2 years part time

Why study Biomedical Science (Medical Microbiology) at Keele University?

Accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) – the leading professional body for scientists, support staff and students in biomedical science.
£45m investment in state-of-the-art science facilities
Teaching is consolidated to support workplace or personal commitments – you'll only spend two days a week at the University if you're studying full-time, or one day if you're part-time.
Engage with world-class researchers and biomedical scientists with expertise in parasitology, bacteriology and virology.
Opportunity for holders of the IBMS Specialist Diploma to enrol with accredited prior certified learning, gaining exemption from one of five modules.
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This programme is accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) as the professional body of Biomedical Scientists within the United Kingdom. The IBMS aims to promote and develop the role of Biomedical Science within healthcare to deliver the best possible service for patient care and safety. This ensures that, through a spirit of partnership between the Institute and the University, a good quality degree is achieved that prepares the student for employment in circumstances requiring sound judgement, critical thinking, personal responsibility and initiative in complex and unpredictable professional environments.

IBMS accreditation assures students and employers that the learning outcomes of an IBMS accredited postgraduate degree courses meet or exceed the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) qualification descriptors for a higher education qualification at Masters level (Level 7).

Please note that an IBMS accredited postgraduate degree does not count towards the academic requirements for Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registration. It does however meet the requirements for registration with the Science Council as a Chartered Scientist (CSci) if other eligibility criteria of corporate membership and active engagement in Continued Professional Development are met. A Master’s level qualification is also one of the entry criteria for the Institute’s Higher Specialist Examination and award of the Higher Specialist Diploma, a route towards the membership grade of Fellowship and designation FIBMS.

IMBS accreditation logo

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