Additional Funding

Explore the additional funding opportunities available to Keele students which are outlined below.

Keele Study Abroad Bursary

Keele offers a Study Abroad Bursary of £1000 for students spending a year abroad at a non-EU partner institution. 

In order to receive this bursary, you must:

  • Have been accepted to study abroad for a full year
  • Have a gross annual household income below £20,000 (as verified by Student Finance England). 
  • Not be in receipt of other public funding. This means that if you receive funding from the Welsh Assembly towards your tuition fees, or the Erasmus fund, you will not be eligible to apply for this bursary. 

The Global Opportunities Team will contact you if you are eligible for the bursary.  

More information and full eligibility criteria can be found on the Study Abroad Bursary webpage.

Awards and Scholarships

Some Schools and Departments within Keele offer awards specific to their students and subjects. These awards can change each year depending on available funding. 


The Hugh Leech Memorial Fund was opened in 1967 after the death of Hugh Leech, then a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History, to provide financial assistance to Keele students for the purpose of study in Europe.