How do I apply?

The deadline for applications is January 2025. Please contact the Global Opportunities Team for more information.

Register your interest

To stay up-to-date with information sessions, events and deadlines register your interest with us by filling in this form. This will ensure you have help and guidance throughout your application process.

Research, research, research

What do you want to achieve from your study abroad experience? This should be the central question to help you research our partners to determine your top 3 universities. You should start by looking at the materials on our Partner Information Library to see which of our partners fit into your personal, academic and career goals. You should also consider the following:

  • Modules: Are there enough modules available (taught in English) for you to pursue your academic interests and match modules? Make sure there is enough available to avoid disappointment. 
  • Location: Would you prefer a city-based or campus-based experience? What are the transport links like? 
  • Accommodation: Not all universities guarantee on‐campus housing. Make sure you have an idea of where you will be living, any deadlines to apply for accommodation and overall costs including deposits. You may have to share a room and take out a meal plan if you study in the USA or Canada. 
  • Funding: Research what funding is available, as well as the cost of living and any upfront costs. Consider all additional and unexpected costs. Check out the money advice page for more information.
  • Spaces: Check that there is space available at the partner universities you wish to apply for.

Current Keele students should use CareerHub and follow theGlobal Opportunities Workbook 

Submit Application

Applications usually open in November of each year. Applications are submitted in 1st year if you are looking to go abroad for a semester and in 2nd year if you are looking to do an international year. The application consists of:

  • Personal Statement outlining why it is that you would like to study abroad and why you have selected the Universities you would like to go to specifically.
  • University choices:Your top 3 choices of university. Please note, if you intend on doing a split placement, you must choose 3 for each country, for a total of 6 hosts. Take some time to research the host and the courses they offer. If they do not offer suitable modules, you will not be able to study there. 
  • Proposed Module List for each university that you have applied for. This must be signed off by your study abroad tutor. This can take a long time, and especially long if you are looking to do a split international year. It is therefore important that you start this straight away in order to get this done before the deadline.

Application criteria and allocation

Your application will be reviewed and given an overall score. Following the release of Semester 1 results in February, students who meet the minimum grade criteria will have their applications ranked, and spaces will be allocated based on the strength of these applications.

Things to consider

  • Languages- all of our partner universities teach at least some modules in English which means even students who don't speak the language of the country they are applying to can still study there. It is always recommended to learn the basics of the language to help you with day to day life.   

    If you are a student in any classes run by the language centre, please find our information page below to understand what this means for you and your mobility: Language Centre Students

  • Finance- SFE and Turing- Before going abroad, you need to understand the costs associated with travelling and living abroad and the funding available to you. There is lots of information available on the Fees and Fundingpages.