Why Study Abroad?

Studying abroad is the perfect way to explore the world, gain vital skills and increase your employability. You can do all of this while continuing on your Keele degree programme at one of our partner universities. 

Benefits of Studying Abroad

  • Stand out. Just 7.4% of UK graduates spent a period of their studies overseas
  • You are more likely to gain a first class honours or upper second class degree*
  • Earn on average 5.5% more than non-mobile graduates six months after graduating
  • You are more likely to gain employment within six months of graduating

*Figure for students who do not take a language degree.

All statistics are taken from Universities UK International (UUKI) and can be found here.

Be more employable 

By gaining unique experiences you will be able to stand out from the crowd. Studying abroad will give you the opportunity to develop cultural awareness, language skills and gain a global perspective.

Personal and academic development

Experience different educational environments and teaching styles. You will be able to study modules which are not available to you at Keele and discover new interests by joining a range of clubs and societies.

Enjoyment factor 

Making new friends and discovering new places will allow you to create unforgettable memories. Your time abroad will allow you to go on a discovery within your host country and open gateways to new ones.