Student and staff representation

One of the University’s key strategic aims is to ensure an exceptional student experience. This is achieved through working in partnership with students.

The University achieves this by ensuring there is student representation on University committees concerned with estates, planning, finance and resource allocation. Ensuring students are included within the University decision making processes is an essential part of creating a sustainability culture for the University.

Student Voice Representatives can help to identify where sustainability is embedded within their course and ask for further exploration on how their subjects link to sustainability. Visit the Keele SU website to find out more.

The Keele 100 is our student forum, giving students from across our Keele community the opportunity to have their voices heard.

The Keele 100 is a joint project run in partnership between the University, Keele SU and the Keele Postgraduate Association (KPA).

Click here to find out more.

The Climate Cafe is a student-led pop up space to open dialogues where no one is an expert and everyone has a voice. The Climate Cafe is a fantastic way to meet with like-minded people, and brainstorm ideas which could be carried out here, on the Keele campus.

Keele took part in a pilot of the People Powered University's programme looking to encourage more voices to be heard from staff, students and the community, especially around sustainability decisions. Initial forums have taken place and feedback has been fed into the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Celebration of the Possible. 

If you have any sustainability suggestions, please get in touch with us a

The Keele Sustainability Network launched in January 2018. The network is made up of Staff and Student Sustainability Representatives, and its key objective is to increase communication about and engagement with sustainability activities on campus, whilst promoting and embedding the University's sustainability policies.

Visit the Staff Intranet to find out more.

Trade Unions are represented on the Transport and Travel Group, whilst the establishment of the Union Environmental Group provided a mechanism to update representatives on environmental estates activities. 

The Sustainability Team will contact Trade Union Environmental Representatives to input on plans and developments through future meetings. If representatives have any questions, please contact

Sustainability internship

In 2019, Keele introduced the first Sustainability Internship, offering a student the opportunity to work alongside the Education for Sustainability team and help support projects and engage students and staff with sustainability on campus. At the end of 2019, two new Sustainable Projects Intern roles were created, enabling more students to work with the EfS Team and learn how to implement sustainability, support student-led projects, and take a lead on embedding sustainable food and sustainable living practices across the campus and Keele community.

By offering experiential learning opportunities through these paid internships, student interns are able to apply knowledge learned within their degree programmes with real-world experience and contexts within the university setting. Student interns are able to work with a wide range of staff and students across the university, helping increase the reach and impact of our work. On top of this, interns are able to develop a wide range of skills, helping develop their employability, whilst helping enhance and increase the potential of our sustainability projects.

The internships are currently under review and further information will be released in the upcoming year. In the meantime, please join the Sustainability Community and get involved with sustainability projects on campus to boost your experience.

Here are Alana's reasons why you should become a Sustainability Intern... 

  • To learn first-hand how sustainability can be involved in everything, everywhere. Sustainability is incredibly interdisciplinary linking to subjects such as politics, law, media, geography, literature, medicine and beyond! 
  • The opportunity to grow networks and find opportunities which you may not have heard about otherwise. 
  • Experience the ‘behind-the-scenes’ of some flagship projects across the university and in the sustainability sector. 


Alana’s motivated and passionate on the topics of the environment and the local community. Whilst at Keele she studied for a BA Geography degree and continued with a Masters looking into sustainable communities in Staffordshire. Alana volunteers for the environment, community, and local area through positive environmental action and youth engagement. Through these experiences she gained a knowledge of climate change issues and developed her project management skills, communication and inter-personal skills and working with different stakeholders and organisations to achieve mutual goals.

Legacy and projects worked on

Throughout her time as intern, Alana assisted us through carrying out a variety of roles. From helping with the SOS-UK Student Eats campaign, organising the first Keele Schools Climate Summit, presenting at the Friends of the Earth youth conference, helping with Keele Green festival, widening student participation through outreach and social media, and filming and editing videos for university campaigns, the Green Gown Awards and the Student Eats Conference.

Her networks gained through the role were essential for her kickstarting the Hedgehog Friendly Campus campaign at Keele University through the Keele Wildlife Society. Working with the grounds team, estates, schools, the Students Union, and the Sustainability team, we achieved Bronze and Silver.

Here are Molly's reasons why you should become a Sustainability Intern... 

  • Gain valuable experience from working with a range of different people across the university 
  • Personal growth - throughout my internship, I have discovered a lot about myself I didn’t know and as a result I’ve grown as a person and in confidence! 
  • Who wouldn’t want to join the International Sustainability Institution of the year Sustainability Team? 


Molly’s passion for sustainability started while she was at secondary school working on an eco-school’s project and continued to get involved in sustainability projects such as the NUS Green Impact at university level. Molly also had opportunity to do a year abroad at Malmo University, Sweden (through her undergraduate degree) where sustainability was embedded into chosen courses and integrated within the Swedish culture. She chose to tailor her dissertation around sustainability and study a master's in MSc Environmental Sustainability and Green Technology. In addition to her academic studies Molly has integrated sustainability into other areas such as volunteering with Girl Guiding UK and working with the Keele Postgraduate Association. Through these experiences she has been able to widen her knowledge of sustainability, work with a range of stakeholders and organisations while developing a range of skills such as communication, problem solving and leadership.

Legacy and projects worked on 

During her internship, Molly has assisted us through a wide range of activities, helped facilitate sustainability events and assist with sustainable food projects such as Student Eats and food waste reduction. She has also had the opportunity to liaise with other stakeholders across the university such as the Keele University Environmental and Sustainability Steering Group and Students' Union. One of her successes being that she secured a grant for Keele Students Union by writing funding applications for the enterprise Weigh to Go, a zero waste shop and securing £1842.35 for a social space adjacent to the zero-waste shop to support future sustainability activities run by students for students.

Here are Ashleigh's reasons why you should become a Sustainability Intern...

  • You get to understand the applicability of sustainability in a university setting.
  • You get to initiate sustainability projects with the guidance of the Sustainability Project Officer and Environmental Manager.
  • You get a chance to develop your own career interests and build connections within the university.


Ashleigh studied for a degree in BSc Geography and Geology at Keele University.

Legacy and projects worked on

During her internship, Ashleigh helped with the Green:Keele social media, and embedded sustainability messaging throughout the university halls accommodation. She supported the Sustainability Halls Representatives and created content for the Live Green webpages. Ashleigh also worked on university policies looking into transport, plastics, and more.


Lucy studied for a degree in BSc Environmental Science at Keele University. In 2019, Lucy lived in the Sustainability Bungalow where she looked after the raised garden beds and polytunnel. She designed a living garden with a specifically designed wildlife-friendly bed in order to supply herself and future residents with their own grown produce. Lucy created numerous educational materials to promote the bungalow and share her experiences with other students. Lucy worked on installing an irrigation system funded by the Water Conservation Trust to ensure the polytunnel will be able to sustain itself. Lucy also worked as a Recycling Ambassador at Keele through completing audits around the student halls of residence.

Legacy and projects worked on

Lucy was responsible for all food sustainability projects on campus; from planning, to promotion and execution. Her role as Food Project Intern involved working with key sustainability staff including the Sustainability Project Officer, Environmental Manager, Head of Catering, Commercial Manager in the Students’ Union, Executive Chef and Accommodation Managers. Lucy supported planning and organising activities and events, promotional and communication activities, and analysis and evaluation to measure impact.

Lucy supported the launch of Eat, Rinse, Repeat a pilot scheme aimed at reducing reliance on single use containers across campus. Lucy worked on the Student Eats allotment beds and the Sustainability Bungalow.