Sustainability in the curriculum

There have been concerted efforts to embed sustainability in the curriculum since 2012, supported by the Sustainability Team and monitoring through regular audits of sustainability content in modules and programmes. In 2018, analysis shows that sustainability now features in almost every undergraduate programme in the University. This work is supported by an Education for Sustainability strategy.

Highlights of sustainability in the curriculum from the University's 14 different schools are given below. Detailed examples of best practice at module level have been disseminated through a Module Case Studies document, promoting modules at all levels of study and from a diverse range of disciplines.

If you are interested in finding out more about how Keele aims to embed 'sustainability' into the core curriculum of all subjects, please contact Professor Zoe Robinson, Professor of Sustainability in Higher Education and Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures.

SDG 4 Quality education SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities SDG 13 Climate action SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals