Smart Energy Network Demonstrator


Environmental sustainability is a top priority for Keele University. It is embedded root and branch into everything the University does and, as climate change becomes an increasingly prominent issue, Keele’s positioning has never been more relevant.

The Smart Energy Network Demonstrator at Keele University

On the ground at the University, real progress has already been made. Sustainability is embedded into the curriculum of all undergraduate programmes, and Keele is driving forward world-leading research in sustainability, under the direction of the interdisciplinary Institute for Sustainable Futures.

And at the heart of it all is the Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND)* – the largest project of its kind in Europe.

This hugely exciting development focuses on reducing carbon emissions and tackling climate change whilst driving new research and development and business growth.

Working in partnership with Siemens, the SEND project is creating an ‘at scale’ environment that allows energy generation, distribution, storage, forecasting and balancing to be intelligently carried out across different energy sources using the Keele University campus as a genuine ‘living laboratory.’

The project will deliver better energy management, reduce reliance on fossil-fuel derived energy, significantly reduce energy waste and provide opportunities to trial innovative ways of energy use and management.

Vitally, the data generated by SEND will underpin new research and innovation partnerships with local, regional and international organisations, generating new products, services and knowledge that will drive sustainable high-value economic growth and jobs locally as part of a UK-wide commitment to lead internationally as the home of ‘clean growth’.

In addition to the capital developments onsite at Keele, dedicated support teams and graduate researchers are working with SMEs from across Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire on a range of research, development and innovation projects linked to sustainability and renewable energy. From the creation of dynamic smart meter visual data to drive consumer behaviour, to developing more efficient battery storage, these products are tapping into emerging needs and new markets, helping to progress research ideas from concept through to completion.

Local businesses can also get 12-hours of fully-funded consultancy, provided by experienced environmental, engineering and innovation consultants, Stopford Energy & Environment. This bespoke support is for those businesses looking to enter the renewables and/or smart energy sectors, develop sustainable products or services, or simply reduce their environmental impact and energy costs.

To date, support has included: auditing waste with a view to developing a new revenue stream; energy source reviews looking at human and environmental impact reviews; research into the renewable energy landscape of specific places; and analysis of the potential carbon savings for a variety of products from drones to kettles.

ERDF and UK Government logo Smart Energy Network Demonstrator

The Smart Energy Network Demonstrator project (ref: 32R16P00706) is part-funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the England 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme. It is also receiving funds from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

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