David McGarvey

I first heard about TBL from Graeme Jones following his early piloting of it at Keele in 2014. In 2015 I attended a TBL conference (Team-based Learning: Leading Educational Change) at the University of Bradford and thereafter I observed several TBL sessions run by my colleagues at Keele. However, it was not until this year (2020-21) that I actually got round to using TBL myself and so my experience of using TBL is entirely online (MS Teams). For me, the effectiveness of TBL stems from it being a student-centred active and social learning approach with a logical structure that is underpinned by formative assessment-feedback cycles. I am looking forward to in-person TBL from 2021-22.
FHEQ level 4 – Electrons in Atoms and Molecules
FHEQ level 4 – Chemical Kinetics
FHEQ level 4 – Chemical Thermodynamics
FHEQ level 5 – Molecular Symmetry and Vibrational Spectroscopy