Selected publications and presentations

Book chapters

Using Team Based Learning to promote problem solving through active learning N. J. Capel, L. M. Hancock, C. Howe, G. R. Jones, T. R. Phillips and D. Plana Chapter 11 in: Problems and Problem Solving in Chemistry Education: Analysing Data, Looking for Patterns and Making Deductions, G. Tsaparlis (Ed). 2021, Royal Society of Chemistry, London. https://doi.org/10.1039/9781839163586-00279


Lecture Highlights: Repurposing Lecture Capture to Provide Learning Resources for Level 6 Chemistry Students Authors Laura M. Hancock, Graeme R. Jones and Daniela Plana, JADE, 2018, 10, 104-109 

Active Learning Techniques to Build Problem Solving Skills in Chemistry Students, Brown N, Howe C, Jones GR & Phillips TR, JADE, 2018, 9, 37-40.

Scratching the surface of team-based learning, Hancock LM, Howe C, Plana D, Jones GR and Phillips TR, Education in Chemistry, 2017, 54 (3), 22-25

Team Based Learning – a Scratch Approach to Large Group Problem Classes. G. R. Jones and L. M Hancock, Journal of Academic Development and Education, 2015, 4, 98-103.


Poster at the TBLC conference 2017

M. Richardson and D. Plana. Gauging Student and Staff Perceptions of online Team-Based Learning. MICER21. May-June 2021. Poster 7.

N. Capel, L. Hancock, C. Howe, G. Jones, T. Phillips and D. Plana. Aplicación del Aprendizaje Basado en Equipos (TBL) a la Enseñanza de la Química (Using Team Based Learning (TBL) in Chemistry). LatinXChem Twitter Conference. September 2020. 

N. Brown, L.M. Hancock, C. Howe, G.R. Jones, T.R. Philips, D. Plana. Team Based Learning - a New Strategy for Active Learning in the Chemistry Classroom. RSC Twitter Poster Conference. March, 2017. 

N. Brown, L.M. Hancock, C. Howe, G.R. Jones, T.R. Philips, D. Plana. Designing RAT MCQs to enhance understanding of complex drawings and diagrams - Lessons learnt from using TBL to teach chemistry. RSC Twitter Poster Conference. March, 2017. 




  • 2021 Natalie J. Capel, Victoria Cartwright, Sam Davenward, Falko Drijfhout, Michael G. Edwards, Cosma E. A. Gottardi, Laura M. Hancock, Graeme R. Jones, David J. McGarvey, Daniela Plana, Tess R. Phillips, Kris D. Wisniewski, New Electronic Scratchcard for Team-Based Learning developed at Keele University UK, Team Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC) Annual Meeting 2021 (Virtual).
  • 2020 L. Hancock, G. Jones, D. Plana. Lecture Highlights: Repurposing Lecture Capture to Provide Learning Resources for Chemistry Students. Pedagogic value of video for learning & lecture recording. University of Liverpool, UK. CIE VideoLearn2020: L Hancock, G Jones, D Plana - Repurposing Lecture Capture for Chemistry Students
  • 2019 Laura Hancock, Student Perceptions of using Team-Based Learning to enhance Active Learning in a Final Year Chemistry Topic, ESLTIS (Edinburgh Napier).
  • 2019 Graeme Jones and Laura Hancock, Peer to Peer Feedback – the Social Side of Team Based Learning, ESLTIS 2019 Napier University
  • 2019 Graeme Jones and Shihab Kogahli, TBL 101 workshop, Active Learning Conference, Dundee
  • 2019 Graeme Jones and Laura Hancock, Peer to Peer Feedback – the Social Side of Team Based Learning, Keele Teaching and Learning conference 2019
  • 2018 Laura Hancock, Graeme Jones and Daniela Plana, Harnessing the Potential of Lecture Capture to Facilitate Active Learning, ESLTIS Bristol
  • 2018 Graeme Jones and Uwe Richter, TBL 101 workshop, Active Learning Conference, Sussex
  • 2018 Laura Hancock, Graeme Jones and Daniela Plana, Harnessing the Potential of Lecture Capture to Facilitate Active Learning Keele Teaching and Learning conference 2018
  • 2017 Natalie Capel, Chloe Howe, Graeme Jones and Tess Phillips, Bridging the Gap: The introduction of active group learning techniques to build problem solving skills in chemistry students Active Learning Conference, Anglia Ruskin University
  • 2017 N. Brown, L.M. Hancock, C. Howe, G.R. Jones, T.R. Phillips and D. Plana. Team Based Learning in Chemistry: Inspiration, Adaptation and Integration. Active Learning Conference. Anglia Ruskin University. 
  • 2017 Natalie Capel, Victoria Cartwright, Laura Hancock, Chloe Howe, Graeme Jones, Tess Phillips & Daniela Plana, Team Based Learning Workshop, EuroVariety
  • 2017 Laura M. Hancock, Natalie Capel, Chloe Howe, Graeme R. Jones, Tess R. Phillips and Daniela Plana, Enhancing student engagement using Team Based Learning Workshop, ESLTIS Univeristy of Sheffield
  • 2017 Laura M. Hancock, Chloe Howe, Graeme R. Jones, Tess R. Phillips and Daniela Plana, Designing RAT MCQ’s to enhance understanding of complex drawings and diagrams? Lessons learnt from using TBL to teach chemistry, TBL Orlando Florida
  • 2016 Laura Hancock, Chloe Howe, Graeme Jones, Tess Phillips and Daniela Plana, Team Based Learning – take an academic, a class of students and scratch cards! Workshop, ViCE/PHEC 2016, Southampton
  • 2016 Laura Hancock and Graeme Jones Team Based Learning at Keele: From Chance Conception to Treasured Child through Collaborative Nurture, Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship 2016, UCL.
  • 2016 Laura Hancock, Chloe Howe, Graeme Jones and Tess Phillips, Team Based Learning – take an academic, a class of students and scratch cards!, Keele Teaching and Learning Conference 2016.
  • 2016 Falko Drijfhout, Laura Hancock, Chloe Harold, Graeme Jones, Stuart McBain & Tess Phillips, Team-Based Learning – Keele Teaching Innovation Project, Poster, Keele Teaching Symposium 2016
  • 2016 Laura Hancock, Chloe Howe, Graeme Jones and Tess Phillips, Team Based Learning, take one academic, a class of students & scratch cards! presentation to HumSS teaching innovation session
  • 2016 Laura Hancock and Graeme Jones Team Based Learning at Keele: From Chance Conception to Treasured Child through Collaborative Nurture SPGS Teaching Away Day 2016
  • 2015 Laura Hancock and Graeme Jones Team Based Learning at Keele Team Based Learning, take one academic, a class of students & scratch cards! SPGS Teaching Away Day 2015
  • 2015 Laura Hancock, Chloe Harold, Graeme Jones & Tess Phillips , Team Based Learning – a Scratch Approach to Large Group Problem Classes, UK TBL Symposium 2015, Bradford.