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The wonderful thing about Fresher Gate is the amount of attention it is causing. Somehow it must really touch a nerve much greater than the average daft prank. On my first day, I was with a group of new friends and we walked over to Keele Hall. I am not sure we realised exactly where the refectory was, and there it stood: Freshers Gate. One of us thought it was an outrage 'If they think we are going under there... I'm not!' The passions were instant. Half of us thought it was a student prank. Some even believed it. So many opinions! In the end, most of them went through the main gate just to show. I went through Freshers Gate because I felt that it was establishing a free choice. To not go through it automatically was letting your action be determined. Of course, I really should have tossed a coin. How stupidly wonderful to be tortured by such a significant situation in such a uniquely trivial way. It really is a shared tribal memory.
Richard Tedstone (1966)