HyDeploy collaboration explainer

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCTpuoHTr_Y

It was truly remarkable that the trial took place at Keele, as it provided us with an exceptional opportunity to transform the campus into a living laboratory, dedicated to exploring cutting-edge sustainable innovations. This unique setting enabled us to seamlessly integrate new sustainable energy systems with diverse areas of research and education.

The collaborative atmosphere fostered by the university campus allowed us to fully leverage the multifaceted aspects of our project. Engaging our students in the endeavour sparked immense interest and enthusiasm, enriching their educational experience.

Throughout the project, extensive research was conducted on various fronts, including rigorous materials testing, examination of gas appliances, and thorough analysis of the characteristics and behaviour of blended gas. The insights gleaned from these endeavours unequivocally demonstrate that hydrogen blended gas is as safe as conventional natural gas. With confidence, we can affirm that our household appliances are fully capable of operating safely on a blend of up to 20% hydrogen, paving the way for a more sustainable future.