Advice and support

Immigration Compliance & Advice are here for all international students at Keele University.  As well as overseeing immigration compliance, we are here to provide advice and support too.

Email: visa@keele.ac.uk; Telephone: +44 (0) 1782 734314

Available for drop-in 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday, Student Services Hub, Claus Moser building

Free airport transfer service

There will be a free airport transfer - click here for date and time details and to register - you must register online to take advantage of this offer.


We can provide specialist help and advice with most Student visa and immigration queries. For example; information on working alongside your study, working after completion of your programme plus visa application assistance.  

To help you prepare for your visa application, we can offer a range of support from group webinars prior to coming to Keele to individual guidance via email and virtual appointments.

We are always happy to help with any questions or issues you have regarding immigration and look forward to helping you throughout your time with us. 


In the lead up to the new student intake in September 2024, Immigration Compliance & Advice will be offering regular webinars to assist you in preparing for and making your visa application. The webinars will be live streamed on YouTube. To register your interest, please click the button below.

There will be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have towards the end of the webinar. We won't be able to answer any questions specific to your individual situation, but we can answer general questions that may be beneficial to applicants in general.

The next webinar will take place on Wednesday 21 August 2024 at 12pm UK time.

Hints and tips to help your application

  • Read the full guidance on these pages and UK Gov website
  • Apply in plenty of time
  • Declare all travel history, previous visas and any refusals
  • Answer all questions fully and honestly
  • Provide all required documents promptly
  • Pay the deposit as soon as your place is confirmed as unconditional - not before
  • Only set up your Multi Factor Authenticator (MFA) on the SIM card you will be using in the UK
  • Enrol and pay all fees in good time
  • Upload your photograph during online enrolment


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