Student Experience Strategic Vision

Our vision and purpose

We are passionate about, and committed to, delivering an outstanding student experience. Our purpose is to support our students at every stage of their Keele journey, from the first time they encounter us - perhaps in a prospectus - to when they leave us to take the next steps in their lives and careers. We want our students to develop as global citizens, aware of world-wide issues and understanding their potential to influence and effect change in their local and global communities. Our student-centred approach and commitment to partnership with our students, and their representatives, our two Students’ Unions (Keele University Students’ Union (KeeleSU) and the Keele Postgraduate Association (KPA)), is fundamental to achieving our vision of helping our students to achieve their full potential.

We want our students’ time at Keele to be transformational, with students engaging as cocreators in all aspects of their Keele experience. We recognise that fulfilling their potential goes far beyond achieving their best academically and that there are many measures of success, uniquely blended for every individual. We want Keele to be a community where students can develop their identity, to become confident, responsible citizens and life-long learners, with a rich set of skills and experiences that maximise their employability. To achieve this, we strive to provide a safe, inclusive community for all students and staff, which promotes a sense of belonging, a healthy lifestyle and opportunities for students to contribute across the full spectrum of their academic, social and civic lives.


The student experience encompasses every aspect of students’ time studying at Keele, and extends beyond graduation as they begin their careers. Whatever their studies and circumstances, it is essential that we take a holistic approach to supporting our students. Hence this strategic vision draws on a number of University strategies that, considered together, articulate our approach to all areas of our students’ university life, underpinned by the University’s overarching strategy, Our Future.

Student Persona Summaries (458 KB)

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