Equity, diversity and inclusion

Equity, diversity and inclusion at Keele means that the University is a place that welcomes all new staff to be their ‘authentic selves’ and who want to be part of an institution that supports staff and students to be a catalyst for change.

Keele is committed to ensuring that the University is a place where all staff and students feel valued, are treated with dignity and respect, and regard the University as an institution that fosters an inclusive learning, teaching, work and social environment for staff and students.  

Keele has evolved its ethos regarding equality, diversity and inclusion with renewed focus on embedding equity, diversity and inclusion principles and practices across all areas of the University.

The importance of creating an inclusive work and study environment for staff and students is consistently a high priority for the University, demonstrated by a range of actions including, but by no means limited to, the presence of staff networks for Race, LGBTQ+, Disability and Neurodivergence, and International staff. In addition, there are a range of activities and initiatives that aim to create a thriving and continually energised Undergraduate and Postgraduate student community.  

Keele in its ambition to be an exemplar of equity, diversity and inclusion also has a reach that exceeds its internal community and has established a range of equity and inclusion initiatives that staff and students can engage in, in partnership with local, national and international communities. 

For more information, please visit our dedicated equity, diversity and inclusion webpages.

People sat discussing around a table in a library-setting. One of the participants is in a wheelchair.

Accessible buildings and campus

Keele campus has many accessible features, such as ramps and lifts in our buildings, to help facilitate parents with young children in buggies and people with disabilities.

The campus also has a dedicated family friendly parking area, which is available after 9.15am for permit holders who have family or caring commitments.

A comprehensive range of bus services are available from campus, both to the local area and to destinations across the UK. Bus stops are available throughout campus.

For more detailed access guides for our campus buildings, please visit the AccessAble website.

People sat discussing around a table in a library-setting. One of the participants is in a wheelchair.

Accessible buildings and campus

Keele campus has many accessible features, such as ramps and lifts in our buildings, to help facilitate parents with young children in buggies and people with disabilities.

The campus also has a dedicated family friendly parking area, which is available after 9.15am for permit holders who have family or caring commitments.

A comprehensive range of bus services are available from campus, both to the local area and to destinations across the UK. Bus stops are available throughout campus.

For more detailed access guides for our campus buildings, please visit the AccessAble website.