En-suite Halls
You'll soon feel at home at Keele. Our En-suite rooms include a ¾ bed, en-suite bathroom and shared kitchen facilities with social areas nearby. You will have access to Wi-Fi, 24/7 security and Residence Life support. Please see our key features guide and images below of a typical bedroom, kitchen and bathroom for an En-suite room. En-suite room types are located in Holly Cross and The Oaks and Lindsay Court (within Lindsay Halls).
Please note that images shown are typical examples of this room type, and individual rooms, kitchens and social spaces may vary depending on location.
Key features
- Bedrooms with 3/4 double bed
- En-suite bathroom
- Located in Holly Cross & The Oaks, and Lindsay Hall (Lindsay Court)
- £ Weekly price for 2025/26: £221.41
- Shared kitchen facilities with social spaces next to kitchen (sharing with 8 to 9)
- Launderette
- Residence Life support
- WiFi
- 24/7 Campus Safety Team