Founder, TMT First

Adam Whitehouse

TMT First, a technology company which specialises in the repair, refurbishment and resale of mobile phones, tablets and wearables, is now able to prolong the life of thousands of extra mobile devices, thanks in-part to a collaboration with Keele University.

Based in Newcastle-under-Lyme, TMT First employs around 120 staff to help keep technology usable for longer. With 80% of the carbon generated in a mobile phone’s life being a result of the manufacturing process, being able to extend the life of a device is better for the planet and the consumer.

That is why Adam Whitehouse, TMT First’s founder and Chief Executive, approached Keele for support.

“Like Keele University, sustainability is at the forefront of all we do at TMT First. Through the University’s Smart Energy Network Demonstrator, there was an opportunity for us to collaborate with a student to undertake a deep-dive into mobile battery technology.

“By working with Keele, we found ways of repairing devices differently – which has resulted in us saving an extra 100,000 devices from landfill every year.

“Working with partners like Keele University, we’re having ideas that are going into practice today that will extend the life of technology, and that perhaps would not have been able to achieve ourselves.”

As well as collaborating with Keele through the Smart Energy Network Demonstrator project, TMT First has also benefited from participation in the University’s Innovation Leadership and Research & Innovation Support programmes. TMT were winners of the Sustainability Award at Keele’s Breaking the Mould Awards 2022.

Work together with Keele Univeristy

Get in touch to find out what support we can offer to suit your business goals. 

ERDF, Midlands Engine and Research England logos The following support programmes at Keele University received funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020:

  • Keele University Science & Innovation Park Smart Innovation Hub (Ref: 32R17P01691);
  • Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (Ref: 32R16P00706);
  • Business Bridge (Ref: 32R18P02530);
  • Innovation Centre Seven - IC7 (Ref: 32R19P03785).

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DfLUHC) (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) was the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund.